What kind? What's their names? I'll be giving best answer to whoever i think loves them and describes them the best.
I have quite an intersting little family here in my house. I have a longhaired gorgeous black and white cat named Lilo. Lilo is very verbal, she talks back to me and even enjoys singing opera lol. She's my baby. I have a 2 year old grey tabby who is also very verbal.but actually, I'd say she's more VOCAL than verbal. She enjoys berrating me with her terrible angry meow when she is less than impressed with my behaviour. Then we have the king of the mansion..RONIN- the part Hotot part Dwarf rabbit. He has the run of two bedrooms, a hallway, and a bathroom. He is White with black circles around his eyes and is absolutely beautiful. When he's in the mood, he tollerates the cats in his territory, and he and Lilo actually snuggle sometimes. Rory like to chase him, but she knows when he's had enough and when it's her turn to turn around and run away. So yup, those are my babies :D
Can I count my room mate? lol
I only have one pet but its a dog and i love him SO much. even if i call him puppy hes really dig and his name is Simba(after the lion king) and hes a golden retriever. Hes about 3 years old and starts jumping around when you get home.. and he HATE the waters
Two dogs.
A springer named Chloe, and a shepherd named Shelby.
They are so cute, and I tell them every day.
That's all you're getting.
Gracie, a female Bassett Hound, 2 cats, 1 male, 1 female..Thor and Misty respectably, a wife (name unknown) and a partridge in a pear tree. (sam)
i dont have live one , but i have an inguana toy made of rubber , waooo h , its like is live , the feeling and color. i call it carlito. it only stay in ma room next to my comp keyboard to scare people . hahahahah , girls never use my comp bcuz of him . they get scared
First I have a Dachound,and a palmeranian mix. Her name is Lexus Lee. Shes really long, short legs and her ears are bigger than her whole body lol. Shes still a baby, and her teeth are falling out so her tounge is always hanging out. She wont eat her own food she has to eat the cats food. She barks at everything that moves. Its a really odd mix but i think she is adorable. Then I have a kitten names Buca Jo. She is a deluted calicol. When I sleep at night she trys nursing off my ear. She bit it once and I bleed everywhere! She also wont eat her kitten food she only eats dog food! Then We have a couple others that like live in the walls lol Maybe a couple squirrels and some Racoons. I have to block the chimney so they get out lol.
8 pets
2 dogs (Molly a Border Collie and Aiden a Winmeriner) 2 cats (Willow is black and white and Piper is all black)
I have a pal named Gabe. He loves me sooooo much, but mostly he is sooooo loved by our family. He gets really nervous when one of the four of us leaves the house. He will pace until we are all home. If all four of us leave, he goes to his kennel to sleep until we begin coming home again. He will always be on the same floor as me no matter what (I'm Mom), he knows the sound of my husband's truck from a block away (we live on a busy road), he knows when my daughter gets home from school he has just a while to wait for my son to get home. He is so nice and loyal. He's a pitbull/lab mix--really smart.
I also have a beautiful Betta fish named Pirate. I love how pretty he is and how relaxing he is to watch. I move his bowl from room to room depending on where we all are.
I have one cat named Tiger. He is extremely people oriented. He greets everyone at the door. He loves to be around groups, but not in the middle of them. Just so that he is around the action, he is happy. He is orange striped and lives in Auburn, Ala. with two Auburn University graduates (hence the name Tiger). He has so many fun quirks, but I am often told that he is the coolest cat around!
i have one persian cat, her name is mia and she is a princess. she even has her very own crown. she is a tabby, with a pretty little "M" on her forehead (hence the reason we named her Mia) she loves to play tag, and she loves to play with her "Babies"(you know, those little colored mice you buy at gricery stores) she also loves wet towels. right after you shower, she'll follow you up to your room, and wait quietly while you change, then once your done with the towel, she's all over it! she also loves it if you scratsh her head. she loves to sleep on a pillow aove your head when your sleeping, and she purrs so much. i love her more than chocolate.
three, two cats, angel and bo. and a mouse called mousey.
A shitszu - Charlie - who is as old as the hills and as sweet as can be. He might as well be stuffed since all he does is lay around now, but is still wonderful and much loved. A cocker spaniel - Homer - after the Illiad, not SImpson (although he acts more like Simpson (if he could talk his main word would be DOH) and is so loving and lovable it is both pathetic and fantastic, and last but not least, Archie, who is a cocker?shitszu mix, but is no relation to the other two dogs. We did build a bridge though between the cocker and shitszu with Archie, which I think is very cute. Each of them is a real scutch (pain in the butt), but are worth every aggravation and annoyance in that they are so loving. If I didn't previously believe in God, which I did, then these dogs would have proven His existence for me.
My husband and I, have 5 dogs. We have a chocolate lab "Jake", a black lab named "Doozer" (from "Fragel Rock"), 2 Chihuahuas "Mickey" and "Rico", and a Chihuahua/pug cross named "Miles". They are all rescues, all loved very much. We live next to the river and our labs love to go swimming! They have a great life are very healthy. They are well trained, obedient and the best dogs ever! They fill our lives with great joy!
I have 4 pets. I have two dogs. I also have two cats. Chase is my oldest dog. He is 9 years old and is a sheltie and rat terrier mix. He is very fat and short, but he is a very beautiful dog. His favorite toy is a ball or a Frisbee. My other dog is a Border Collie and Greyhound mix. His name is Sammy. He looks a lot like a short haired Border Collie. He loves to chew on raw hides. He is also skinny and muscular. His legs are 13 inches long. He could probably go from 0 to 30 miles per hour in about 5 seconds. He loves to run. Recently I just had my best friend pass. He was an orange tabby cat. His name was Kitty. He was 16 years old. I will never forget him. My new kittens names are Smokey and Bandit. After the movie Smokey and The Bandit. Smokey is a grey tabby cat. He looks just like my other cat. He is funny. He is smart. He is just like Kitty. He reminds me so much of him that I think Kitty was like reincarnated in him. Bandit is pure white with just a little grey stripe on his head. He has beautiful green eyes and he is very fat. I love them very much. These are my pets.
Cats, cats, and more cats!
No, really, only 5.
Noah, a black and white medium hair - adopted during a thunder storm.
Muff, an oversized white short hair - he looks like one of the muffs women used to use during the winter to keep theri hands warm. PJ, orange and white long hair - named by my son after a storybook character, PJ Funnybunny.
Peppermint, a long haired white cat, who's name I really can't explain, and I'm the one who named her!
And Sadie Marie, a gray and black tabby who's mom was a feral cat my friend took in - long story. Sadie just fit her - for some reason with the whole feral thing, I thought she should have an old fashioned name. Just don't ask how her big brothers and sister get along with her - things are still a little "tense" but, it will pass - it always does.
i have 5 pets there names are buster, Clint, SAM, Lillie and Leah. they are part of my family. they each have there own personality. I enjoy there company and look forward to there greeting when i come home. I love to care for them, the unconditional love they have is priceless.
Over 100 animals
1. Two french bulldogs - 2 years old, male white Sammy, black tiger stripe female, Paula..they are chubby and hilarious as always..when it comes to keeping the house clean they know who's boss.they will never dirty the house, because just my angry looks will tell them so. They hide whenever i show them an angry face.
2. Two japanese turtles - 10 years old, Turtle 1 male, Turtle 2 female..couldn't name them so i called them this way. They follow me wherever i walk, cos i'm the only one who feeds them. They love fish food.
I have exactly 39 pets yes 39. I cant name most of them because some are still babies but i will :) Most of my pets have been left at shelters and i pick them up because i can not stand a pet without a loving home
I have 3 dogs which will do anything for my family because i spoil them rotten
Rylai - Great Pyranese
Thor - German Shepard
Duke - Golden Retriever
I have 15 hamsters because i bought a very sweet one but i didnt know she was pregnant and neither did the store manager :(
Max- Golden hamster(kept seperate)
Kari- Black bear hamster(pregnant one)
And the babies who i havent named yet
7 Cats that for some reason love water
Calvin-orange cat
Hobbes-orange cat
Sylvester-tuxedo cat(thinks hes a dog)
Peepers- tuxedo cat(shes my favorite one always comes for love)
Garfield-orange cat
Peach- tan cat
Rugby- Calico Cat(girl cat also comes for love like peepers)
4 Ferrets LOVE to play in plastic bags they love the noise :) and their named after the fantasic four(All of them have been adopted at shelter)
2 Hedge Hogs they like to keep to themselves
8 Birds Who i love to hear in the mornin they are all canaries
My family helps me handle them and they give me the best time of my life.
I've got Budgies - loads of them, they each have names and I know them all. They live in an aviary outside where I visit them several times a day for an hour or two at a time. I also have lovebirds, kakarikis, cockatiels and quails in the aviary and these are VERY loud, but I love them all!!
My best budgie lives in doors and comes with me everywhere I go. His name is Juno and he is my pic ID. He loves to come out with me in the car and I take him shopping, he hides in my bag when we are in the shop. He hates it when I have to go out without him and he sulks and is moody with me when I get home. He sleeps on a swing above my bed and in the morning he jumps down and bites my feet to wake me up - he's my alarm clock!!
2 Cats One is a grey short hair with goldish green eyes, her name is Olive. The other is a pure white short hair with on blue eye and one brown eye, her name is Ivory.
2 Dogs They are sisters form the same litter. One is black, grey and white short hair with one blue eye and one brown eye. Her name is Lacey. The other is a tri color long hair with a blue eye and a brown eye as well. Her name is Kylie
I also have sharks, angels, gouramis, plecos and snails in my 135 gallon tank. As far as I'm concerned, they are all part of the family.
I have a female (spayed)Siberian Husky 2yrs old, Silver and White blue eyes. Her name is Timida Azul, (shy blue) because she is extreemly shy and has a bunch of medical problems with her hips, eyes and gastrointestinal. I got her when she was a little over 4 months old, she was the last puppy left, extreemly shy of everybody and everything. She broke my heart being all alone and cowerig in the corner of her kennel. She jabbers,and prances around. She is such a lady. Despite her flaws she's a wonderfully loving dog and I wouldn't have her any other way.
I have a male (neutered)Polish Boxer, 2yrs old, Fawn. His name is Duddley Done Right. He's extreemly friendly, clumbsy, energetic and thinks hes a 60lb lap dog. He has a deformed btm jaw and tounge, snores, farts, drools and has vivid dreams about chasing something. I rescued him from the vet clinic where I was working at, where he was 8 weeks old and barely 6lbs. He was sick and slightly deformed, and his owners wanted him euthanised. I couldn't bare the thought of this poor pup dying because his owners didn't want to deal with a sick puppy, so I asked the old owners if they would be interested in rehoming him. They didn't care one way or another, so I brought him home. Now he's extreemly healthy and my personal 60lb cuddle bug.
I have 6 parakeets, all named after the characters from the Friends Sitcom. Monica is a yellow faced and blue female, her man is Chandler a dilute green (lime green). Racheal is a lutino yellow girlie, and her man Ross is the typical green and yellow parakeet. Joey is a white, blue and yellow calico like pretty boy, and his girl is Pheobee is a yellow, green and blue calico like ditzy girl. Monica is the boss of the cage, she calls all the shots, Chandler is always taking the heat from Monica. Racheal is a sweet heart and so pretty. Ross loves to put out his two cents on everything. He's always got something to say. Joey is such a clown always goofing off and finding stuff he shouldn't be into, just like Pheobee, put something new in there and she'll be the first one to check it out. She keeps the humor alive in the cage.
I have a 9 month old Standard Heter Grey Chinchilla named Lita. She is such a sweetie, and so cute. I love to watch her play, eat, take her dust baths, cuddle her and watch her go round and round in her little exercise ball. When she gives you that look, you can't help but your heart melt a little bit.
I love all my pets, very much, I admire their different personalites and couldn't imagine my life with out them. They make my family compete
Currently, we rent, so we can only have caged pets. But, here's what we have:
10 dwarf hamsters- Tiffany, Amy, Flint, Riff, Raff, Jasper, Domino, Spaz, Charcoal, and Toffee. 5 girls, 5 boys, 2 were pet shop purchases (Spaz %26 Domino), 2 were born in 1 litter (Riff %26 Raff), and 6 were born into a 2nd litter (Tiffany, Amy, Flint, Jasper, Charcoal, and Toffee). We currently have them all seperated into 6 cage set ups.
7 hermit crabs, all purple pinchers, set up in a 40 gallon aquarium- Hermione, Racer, Shelley, Beast, Colossus, Shimmer, and Blue Ranger. We bought them in that order- Hermione first, then Racer %26 Shelley together, then Beast, then C-Los, then Shimmer %26 Blue Ranger together. They just got moved from a 20 gallon aquarium last night to our new 40 gallon. They seem to be LOVING it so far, so yay! So much extra room to explore. We also set them up with half sand (on one side) and half eco-earth on the other side. I have a long curved thick branch I found in our back yard in the tank, which takes up about 75% of the length, and provides awesome climbing for them.
Next we have a small plastic portable tank (maybe 2 gallons?) with an aquatic frog and a snail in it, no names.
Lastly, we have a 3.5 gallon plastic tank with a baby tarantula in it, a chilean rose haired tarantula named Oddish. Our 4 year old named him after a purple radish shaped Pokemon. In a few weeks, we'll be buying a 10 gallon aquarium with a hood to keep him in, but right now, he doesn't need the extra room, and in fact feels safer in smaller spaces. He's great to watch, though. He's big enough that we can see him spinning his webs, which looks cool. We have a small plastic tank we keep with crickets in it for feeding him. He's fun to watch eating, too. He watches the cricket until the cricket is dumb enough to approach him, then quick as can be, snatches them up. We've even seen him roll them in web, and stick them aside for later when he's hungry. Awesome.
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