Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long does it take to tame a Hamster?

If hamsters (like any other pet) are handled from very young, they will be tame from the start.
You can never tame a hamster.
but .
I had a hamster when one mounth ago he had make a hole
and he escape we tries to find it , but nothing.
Somewhere in the house.
Ask Richard Gere how he tames hamsters.
Till long after it's dead.
If it is a Norwegian Blue


without a crash helmut
and plastic underpants.

They love the taste of fresh gonads.
Hamsters can't be tamed as in just like a dog. Just make it afraid of jumping by placing it on your hand and let it jump and jump and jump till it's afraid.

I would advise wearing cloth gloves when handling with them. Little but ferocious. *looks at hamster bites on hand*
twenty years!!
Get yourself a gay hamster and watch how fast they learn to sit still and scrapbook.
A few weeks is all it took with my hamsters (and I've had a few). The best way I've found is to build a temporary play area e.g. using VCR cases as boundary walls (dvds are too thin) and put in some toilet roll tubes (for it to play) and some treats. Put the hamster in it for 15-20 minutes everyday and try holding food out to it when it's playing around in your pen, soon the hamster will associate food with you (your hands) and you can try picking it up within the play pen, but hold it low to the ground coz hamsters love to jump! Gradually the hamster will becoome less jumpy and you should be able to remove it from your play pen and viola! Tame Hamster!
took me about a week i use to put my hand in close to the floor of cage as they have poor eyesight. and offer him tibits then let im climb on hand. once he was running up to see me each time i came to cage i took him out and let him run over lap etc. A hamster will bit if he feels threaten so be gentle and talk softely to him and im sure you'll soon be best of buddies i had a great few years with mine
Everyone who says you cant and stuff they are completely wrong and don't know what the hell theyre talking about so ignore them. It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few months. Depends on the hamster.

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