Saturday, May 22, 2010

how long does a horse live for every human year?

Documentation of human years in horse years is only based on a theory of the years. No scientific has came up with exact numbers yet. I have heard 2, 4 and even 7.

Horses go by 4 times the year of human evolving in a systematic time structure.

instead of my gelding being 6, he would be 24.
Instead of my mare being 15, she would be 60.
instead of my gelding being 29, he would be 116.
Do u mean in human years how long dose a horse live. If that your question it depends on what its job is (was). Like race horse life span is usually 8-13 because they can get hurt on the track. on average a well kept horse can live 17-25 years Ive heard of miniature ponies living to 40 though.
I've known horses to live and be healthy for over thirty years. Enjoy.
365 days..just like us!

Seriously. read this
One of the doctors I work with, Dr. A.S. Turner stated that since horses will live until 30 or 40 years of age (sometimes a bit more even) that it is likely around 2 years per 1 year of humans, as a 40 year old horse is quite old, and not nearly as many horses make it to 40 as they do 30. This would be similar to 80 and 60 in humans. However, Sandi Crowe, a radiologist tech and long time horse breeder stated that horses are teenagers from about 2-3 years of age. This is when they reach sexual maturity, reach nearly their adult size, and generally act like independent brats. (Yep, definitely teenagers). Now, if our hypothesis of 2 to 1 were to hold up, then horses should be teenagers from about 6 years to 10. But since this isn't the case, we can look the other way and say that 2-3 horse years correlates to 12-18 humans years in a 6 to 1 ratio. But if 6 to 1 were the ratio, then a 40 year old horse would be 240 years old in human years! See the problem?
What I concluded from my search is that the reason you don't hear about a simple equation for estimating horse to human years is that it is non-linear. This means that it isn't a simple number, like multiplying by 7, as it is for dogs. It is likely a logarithmic or negative exponential curve, which obviously isn't easy to explain! However, you can estimate by starting at 6:1 when they are young and gradually decreasing it until 2:1 when they are probably in their mid-20's. (Dogs and cats are similar but they tend to get to that 7:1 ratio by the time they are 3, so it makes a better estimate for them, but they do reach their teenage years much faster than the 7:1 ratio indicates). Hope this helps.
I know a family whose had a horse live 20 plus years.
I'd say 3 to 1. A horse is considered old at 20 (equivilent of 60 year old human) but I would consider a 30 year old horse elderly (90 year old human) and a 35 year old horse would be ancient, (equivilent of 105 year old human)
3 1/3. If a horse is 2 in our years it's the equivelant of a 7 yr-old child. So a 20 yr-old horse would be the equivelant of a 70-75 yr-old person.

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