Saturday, May 22, 2010

How many army-ants are there in a colony?

When the colony enters the statary phase, the army ant queen's abdomen swells to hold 55,000 to 66,000 eggs. In the middle of the statary phase, the queen can produce from 100,000 to 300,000 egss in five to ten days.

Other information:

The ants carry out nuptial flight once every two or three months, each consisting of about 500-1000 winged adults.

Nests can spread up to 200 m2 and consists of 2-3 gigantic chambers and many other tiny chambers.

Colonies are very large and well protected furthermore, there is only one queen, making it difficult to obtain a colony. However, during nuptial flights, the queens are attracted to shiny and bright surfaces. They usually fly into houses and mate on the ground. This will give you a good chance to catch them.

Army ants kill and eat up to 100,000 animals in a day. Together they can kill lizards, snakes, chickens, pigs, goats, scorpions, and many other animals. They also climb trees and eat birds plus insects that may live in trees.

Queens 鈥?2.1 to 3.2 cm

Drones 鈥?1.3 to 1.7 cm

Soldiers 鈥?0.5 to 1.9 cm

Workers 鈥?0.2 to 0.4 cm

It takes about 28 days for an egg to develop into an adult ant. (Worker)

Egg to larva 鈥?9 days

Larva to pupa 鈥?9 days

Pupa to adult 鈥?10 days

Soldiers take about 30 to 45 days

Drones take about 25 days

Queens take about 45+ days

Eggs 鈥?Microscopic, white or light yellow, very fragile.

Larva 鈥?Size varies, very fat, yellowish to brownish, turgid and fat

Pupa 鈥?Size varies, white to whitish yellow to brown, quite fragile (especially abdomen area).
50 to over 100k
Some colonies are very large perhaps numbering in the hundreds of thousands, but proportionately the number of females to the males will always be phi.
An amount you wouldn't want to give birth to. YEOWCH.

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