Saturday, May 22, 2010

how many beelys does a cow have?

starryhalo22 is correct
The four compartments of the cattle stomach are the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum

Cattle belong to a class of animals known as ruminants. Ruminants are cloven hooved animals that have four compartments to their stomach and chew their cud. In addition, ruminants have an unusual configuration of teeth. Their small and large intestine are designed to handle large volumes of material. Cattle evolved to exist on large amounts of fiber. They do not do well on all grain or high fat diets.
What's a beely?
Four stomachs or bellies
yes 4 stomachs its very interesting
0.00000001 bellies
I don't know about "beelys", I assume you meant bellies but I do know they have four stomachs.
It is a misnomer that cows have 4 stomachs. In actuality, they have one stomach with four compartments.

Grass, hay and grains are hard to digest. That鈥檚 why a cow needs more than one stomach. After the cow has eaten, she brings up bits of unchewed food, called cud, from her stomach. Then she chews her cud like chewing gum. The well chewed food goes into the other stomachs where it gives the cow energy and nutrition to make milk
They have uno (1) belly, but 4 stomachs.

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