Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long does a house fly live for?

According to Wikipedia, "The adults live from half a month to a month." There is also some other interesting info on this article as well:

"Normally the female mates only once, storing the sperm to use it repeatedly for several sets of eggs."
"Flies continually preen themselves, cleaning their eyes with their forelegs and dusting off their legs by rubbing them together."

Very interesting article about those annoying creatures.
three days
depends on the house and what it will have to live on well its under 24 hrs but who knows really?
one day
It depends on how long it takes the house owner to wack it!
Under optimum conditions females houseflies (Musca domestica) can live up to 70
days, males up to 60 days. Larval and pupal stages take about 10 days of these
Under natural conds life span is much much shorter down to 1-2 weeks as imagos
for both sexes.
not long if you are good with a rolled up newspaper!
as less time as possible, dirty things puking on your food then stamping it in with s**t.! hate em.. but i liked jeff goldblum.
a few hours in my house because i kill them or the dog ends up eating them
About 5 seconds in my house..
Hate them. Yeuuuukkkk!
3 or 5 days i guess.but , if they are in my house shorter they live better for me ..
I thought they lived until you killed them but my son informed me a few weeks ago when I stupidly thought I had a nest of flies in my house that they only live 2 days.
as long as it takes for me to find a newspaper and smash em into oblivion!
3 days

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