Friday, July 31, 2009

How does a cat get AIDS? CAn a dog get it too? A cow?

I mean I don't know if it is through blood only

FIV is transmitted primarily through deep, penetrating bite wounds. A mother cat may transmit the virus to her newborn kittens during gestation, passage through the birth canal, or nursing. FIV can also be transmitted through the transfusion of contaminated blood.

FIV affects only felines. Some of the pathogens (i.e., bacteria, parasites) that cause opportunistic infections in FIV-positive cats may be transmitted from animals to humans and could cause illness in people with compromised immune systems.
Cat AIDS is not the same virus as human AIDS. You can't catch AIDS directly from a cat or a dog or a cow. Most viruses are species specific: they attack one type of animal. Your cat can't get your cold. You can't catch its cold. If it was possible for dogs to get human AIDS, there'd have been a huge protest over police K-9s and security dogs.
A cat can not get actual aids also know as HIV what they do get is FIV a form of kitty aids. Dogs can get it also and so can cows but there are different versions for different animals. You cannot get aids from a cat, dog or other animals. and they cant get it from a different animal either. hope this helps!

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