Thursday, July 30, 2009

how do you shoe a flat shod racking horse to get the gait right?

how much do you cut off the heel and how long does the toe need to be what degree does the shoe need to be set on
You need to find a good farrier that has experience in shoeing racking horses. Go to some shows %26 ask the racking horse riders for farrier references. This is the best way to find someone you can trust. A good farrier will watch your horse while you are riding it %26 can tell what would be the best thing to do to improve your horses' gait. Also, have someone with experience riding racking horses check out the way you ride. It might be something you are doing ,without realizing it, that is throwing your horse off. Also check your bit, bridle %26 the fit of your saddle. Sometimes the smallest thing can throw a horse off. Good Luck in all you do
Got 20 years of experience in shoeing? Your not gonna get the answer to this in here.far too complicated.and you need an experienced farrier!
the horse needs to be have pads and weights in the shoe, plus your riding style is a little different with gaited horses- you need to put most of your weight towards the back of the saddle as to lift the horse the front, the animal needs to drive from his hip.

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