Friday, July 31, 2009

How do you train a ferret?

You don't train a ferret with punishment. Where do people get this stuff.
Positive re-enforcement is the way to go with a ferret.
Treats and praise, lots of it. It doesn't matter if you're potty training or teaching tricks or teaching not to bite.
I taught three of mine how to roll over and to sit and beg. We are now working on jumping through a hoop. They are also all potty trained.
Do not ever hit your ferret or thump it on the nose or shake it.
Ferrets are tough when it comes to playing with each other, but you could easily hurt it. Besides, you don't want your ferret to associate the human hand with pain. It can make him mean and turn him into a biter.
I cannot answer your question more detailed because I'm not sure what you are trying to train your ferret to do.
Good luck to you.
Train it to do what?

Ferrets are extremely smart, independent. Extremely curious. What are you looking for this ferret to DO?
Just like a cat or a dog.. lots of time, love, and patience !! Ferrets are very sneaky, and little thieves ! lol. they'll take what they can, when they can, and HIDE items on you. (keys, socks, be carefull with 'that' ) Anything you leave out, they'll take ! There are little ''ferret treats'' that you can use, for "positive reinforcement" for when the ferret is doing good, or learning what you want it to learn.

Oh also..before you get a ferret, call your Vet, and make SURE that they can treat it, if the moment should arise !
Go to this website. It has a lot of info about training a ferret.

Good luck!
operant conditioning.. ferrets can be trained to do (or not do almost anything) with punishment. I have found that plastic wrappers and things that make crinkley noises are as attractive to these animals as flame to moths, and ferrets despite all the training in the world will steal or chew on these items. but they can be trained as other house pets to use litterboxes, avoid wires, trashcans etc..

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