Friday, July 31, 2009

how do you transfer your hamster to a different cage and is it good to switch? will it be to hard on them?

Not hard for the hamster at way is to bring in some things from the old cage, like the water bottle or the nesting he had made for himself. He will adapt to the new environment with no problem.
Try putting the cadges together with the doors open ,let the hamster go from 1 to the other on there own and explore,after he has been to the other cage a few times take the old cage away.It will be best to do this at night.
Just set up the new cage with fresh bedding, sawdust, food, water and move all of its other things like toys and nibble sticks. It is good to switch because most hamsters like change, as long as it isn't too noisy. It should be fine. :)
Handling hamsters is not difficult if you have previously had hand contact with him (petting). Simply, go slow and if nervous use a light weight glove and grasp him securely within the palm of your hand to move him to his new cage. Hamsters are very at home in any situation and will accliminate to the new home rather quickly. Monitor closely, the food and water intake to ensure that they have not become stressed out over the move. Keep things calm and quiet for them for a few days. Hope they enojoy their new home!
If the hamster doesn't bite pick it up and put it in the desired cage. If it bites take the bottom off the new cage. Remove all the trays and dishes etc.from the old cage, remove bottom. Hold old cage upside down, and new bottomless top over it, with tempting food attached.Hamsters like to climb, let it do so, on a surface, and close the cage fast.
Well it is a very good idea to transfer your hamster to a new cage, all the hamster really wants in a cage is space and maybe a few fun toys to play with, to make your hamster feel okay with moving to a new cage buy him/her some new toys and put them in the old cage, let the hamster get familular with the toys and transfer the hamster to the new cage with the to transfer the hamster.. EASY just take him/her out of its old cage and put it in its new cage but do it put your hamster in the new cage for an hour each day for a week then for 2 hours the next week until the hamster gets familular with the cage and your hamster can move in!
hope it helps, goodluck!
you just put the hamster in a different cage they love variety and if its a cage with tunnels and a wheel it will love it the hamster wont mind going to a different cage i swap mine around all the time they love it
Sounds like you don't pick yours up. They don't really care. If you have a hamster ball put some food in it and when they climb in seal it up and set them up in the new cage.

Hamster Balls are cheap and good place to keep them when you clean their cage (tell me you are cleaning it) or moving them elsewhere.
they really enjoy it.
It's fine to transfer small animals to new quarters. But it is a good idea to take some of the bedding with a few of their droppings to the new cage first, then it will smell familiar. Also keep the cage in the same position for a while before moving to new change at a time. This is what I do with my small animals and have never had a problem
No it will be fine we do it all the time we have guinea pigs, hampster, and gerbil We switch them around all the time, they will be fine,

Have-A-Heart Guinea Pig Rescue

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