Sunday, August 2, 2009

how long does a bee live for?

Q. What is the scientific name for honey bees?

A. There are four major species of honey bees in the world; Apis florea (Small honey bee), Apis dorsata (Giant honey bee), Apis cerana (Eastern honey bee), and Apis mellifera (Western honey bee). Honey bees seen in North America are Apis mellifera.

Q. How did the honeybee get its name Apis mellifera?

A. Because their hind legs are specialized to collect pollen, these bees are classified into their own superfamily, Apoidea, Mellifera means honey bearing or honey producing. So roughly speaking, Apis mellifera means pollen collecting, honey producing.

Q. Why do bees sting?

A. Worker bees sting as a defensive mechanism to protect their colony. A worker bee can only sting once, then it dies. From personal experience, I have found that worker bees sting only as a last resort. While maintaining bee colonies, I find workers using their mandible or jaws to bite at the hair on my arms. Of course, if I upset them too much, they will sting. Queen bees sting to kill their competition in the colony. When a colony of bees finds itself with no queen, the workers will begin to raise new queens. These young queens emerge about the same time and then fight each other until only one remains. They use their stinger to kill other queens. Since the stinger is a modified ovipostor or egg laying device, Drones, or male honey bees do not have stingers and thus do not sting.

Q. How much does a bee weigh?

A. On average, a bee weighs a tenth of a gram.

Q. What is the size of a honey bee?

A. On average, from 12 to 16 millimeters (about 陆 to 5/8 inch for workers. Queens and Drones are longer.

Q. What is the habitat of the Honey Bee?

A. It is believed honey bees originated in tropical climates, so a forest environment is probably their original habitat. But since Honey bees have been kept by humans for thousands of years, today, you can find them all over the world in many types of habitats.

Q. What is the expected lifespan of a honey bee?

A. Life expectancy depends on the time of year and the caste of bee. Queens can live up to three years. Drones die when they mate or if they have not mated by the beginning of winter, they are ejected from the colony to die. During late spring, summer and early fall, a Worker will live only about 6 weeks. When born, Workers serve as nursery workers for some 2 weeks. After that they collect nectar and pollen until they die. Workers born in late fall, will live some 4 to 5 months, so that they can keep the Queen warm during the winter months.
Not exactly sure but once a bee stings someone it dies itself off. I am guessing a few weeks.
this is a good question.
I know when the sting they have killed themselfs but othere than that I will watch and see what comes out of this question.
A bee usually lives one season. The queen can live multiple years
for how ever long it takes my cat to chase it n taste it ! ! !
Once the male drone stings a human it expires. I'm not sure about the queen bee. I think she lasts for a while.
too long. i hate bees
"Workers (sterile females) live 42-56 days, drones (fertile males) live about fifty days and queens live up to four years. Workers lives are shorter during heavy honey flow (lots of nectar around) as they work themselves to death. Their wings get all raggedy and they can no longer fly. Drones do no work, they are bigger than the worker bees who raise and feed them and their only function is to mate with queens from distant hives."
A queen may live three to five years; drones usually die before winter; and workers may live for a few months.

How long do you wait?

I'm married and my husband never had pets growing up, so as adults we adopted two cats and dog. Now the dog has been gone just over three years, and the oldest cat just recently. My husband has taken both deaths very hard. (we have no children) As an animal lover I want to "jump back in", as it were, yet he is reluctant. Should I give him more time to grieve or just move on to another pet? Don't get me wrong, I grieve with him over the loss, yet I know pets don't have the life expectancy that we wish, and I can grieve my pet and love a new one at the same time. I just need to know if I should give him more time or force the issue and adopt a pet.
You sound like a very thoughtful and loving wife!
To answer your question, there is this idea that still says that because pets aren't people that their loss is, essentially unimportant. Here we hear a lot of the phrase "get over it" from well meaning but not very sensitive people (ever notice that those who say "get over it" can never fully explain how to do that?).
The fact, however, is that we mourn the loss of anyone we love, whether it is a spouse, dog, cat, bird or even a pet tarantula. We each need our time to grieve and we all need to understand that there will never be a time when we don't miss our departed loved one.

However, I have to admit that three years since the loss of your dog is a long time. You didn't mention how recently your cat died. I wonder if your husband is suffering from what is called "masked grief" where, basically, he hides his grief so as not to upset other people. It is equally likely that his emotional investment in the love and care for those pets was heavy and so his loss is just as heavy.

Wait a little longer (let's say a few weeks). Then, if need be, talk with him about the idea of seeing a counsellor. Emphasize that it is not because you think he's overdoing things but that you love him and only want for him to be able to work through any loss and grief issues he may (likely) have.

As for you, well, have you considered volunteering at your local animal shelter or SPCA? Look in your phone book and see if there are any volunteer organizations with a pet motif (such as programs which allow volunteers to bring pets to nursing homes). Remember that you both have your needs and you both need to have your needs met. Don't keep it a secret from him. You could say something like, "*, I know you're really taking the loss of and . I grieve their loss, too but I really need to spend a little time with other pets. So, I've decided to (insert action you've decided to take). It would be nice if you could come with me but I understand if you don't want to."

.or something along those lines.

Finally, never ever force any issue on him. What you think is appropriate grief may not be what he thinks.

But, once again, I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. Your husband is very lucky to have a kindhearted wife like you.
I would give him some more time. When he's ready I'm sure he'll want to get another.
u should first let him grieve then show up with a new pet, he will learn to love it
Sometimes a new pet can help the healing process. There are so many pets out there that need homes. Tell him that you will be doing a new animal a favor and not betraying the other animals by replacing them "too soon".
gosh, sorry about your loss. I know the feeling. Wait a couple more months and then just " suggest" looking at your local animal shelter and see if there's one there that will tweak his interest, if not..may need to wait a tad longer.
I think he's had healthy time to grieve.You should go ahead and get a new animal! On top of that, most ppl that say they will NEVER own a pet after theirs had past say that because they hurt.It will help him to get a new one.I wish you both the best
You need to convince him to get another pet. When my family dog of 14 years passed away my father could not get over the loss. It was my mom who convinced him that the house was empty without a pet and that getting a new dog would be a great help.

You must realize that one of the reasons he does not want a new pet is because you feel a sense of betrayal to your old pets. Explain that getting a new dog will never replace your old one. Keep this experience in mind when you are getting a new dog. Consider looking for dogs that have a long lifespan in the 14 - 16 range. My parents decided on a Yorkshire terrier and they couldn't be happier. My father is back to playing with the dog and is grateful that my mom convinced him to get another one.
We could not have loved our two dogs any more than we did. Our female died of CHF and within two months our male died of a broken heart. They had been together 9 years. What a beautiful love story, but how it broke our hearts. Their passing was handled with pure dignity and so much love. Within two weeks we had a new little baby girl in our home. I felt a bit guilty at first, considering the idea. knowing we could never "replace" our beloved angels. And believe me we grieved them. But what we did discover is that in order for us to heal, we needed to give our hearts away again. We know our animals are only here for a short while. We need to respect %26 love them as much as we can, considering the unconditional love they provide. but when they go I believe it is important to replace not them but that empty feeling you have. When you give love, it runs through you and makes you feel better! You know if your dog could talk in heaven, he would be telling all the new little angels that yours is a great place to be! :)
Wait awhile before you get another pet. And just a suggestion, Maybe you should have some kids, unless your not ready that is. Good luck to both of you. And sorry about your loss.
Just bring home a new puppy. It helps. I had to put my 11.5 year old dog to sleep last year and waited two months to get a new one. I should have done it sooner.
See if you can get an animal with a longer lifespan. If it doesn't die as soon it will not be as sad.

how long do we leave the red light on for the python snake?

I assume the light is just a source of heat.No special lighting is needed. Ball pythons are nocturnal snakes, spending their days in the wild securely hidden away from possible predators. To make it easier to see your ball during the day, you can use a full-spectrum light or low wattage incandescent bulb in the enclosure during the day. Make sure the snake cannot get into direct contact with the light bulbs as ball pythons are very prone to getting seriously burned. Respect your ball's needs, however, and be sure to provide a hide box, and expect them to use it!

Proper temperature range is essential to keeping your snake healthy. The ambient air temperature throughout the enclosure must be maintained between 80-85F (27-29 C)-during the day, with a basking area kept at 90F (32.5 C). At night, the ambient air temperature on the coolest side may be allowed to drop down no lower than 73-75F ( 23-24 C) only if a basking area of at least 80F (27 C) remains available.

Special reptile heating pads that are manufactured to maintain a temperature about 20 degrees higher than the air temperature may be used inside the enclosure. There are adhesive pads that can be stuck to the underside of a glass enclosure. Heating pads made for people, available at all drug stores, are also available; these have built-in hi-med-lo switches and can be used under a glass enclosure. You can also use incandescent light bulbs in porcelain and metal reflector hoods to provide the additional heat required for the basking area. All lights must be screened off to prevent the snake from burning itself.

All pythons, especially ball pythons, are very susceptible to thermal burns. For this same reason do not use a hot rock. New on the market are ceramic heating elements. They radiate heat downwards, do not emit light, and are reported to be long lasting. Plugged into a thermostat will enable you to adjust the temperature inside the tank as the ambient room temperature changes with the seasons.

Buy at least two thermometers - one to use in the overall area 1" (2.5 cm) above the enclosure floor, and the other 1" (2.5 cm) above the floor in the basking area. Don't try to guess the temperature - you will either end up with a snake who will be too cold to eat and digest its food or one ill or dead from overheating.
Just make sure there is a heat light on at all times. At night a lot of people use blue bulbs desinged for the night so as not to mess up the animals natural habitate, but still keeping them warm.

How long do rabbits usually live if well fed and taken care of (details included)?

I have a lop-eared rabbit. When I bought it at the pet store, the girl said she was a lop-eared dwarf. And then she got huge (and not because I feed her too much). So, I think they were way off. I don't think it is a dwarf.
Actually the average life span of a rabbit is 10-15 years if properly taken care of. If it is given exceptional care, it can live beyond that range. If it is not given the care it needs or if it develops a health condition, it will not live quite as long.

All rabbits are individuals of course just like people. But when taking on a rabbit, it is like taking on a dog or a cat, not a hamster who will die after a few short years. So you have to be willing to make a long term commitment to the animal.

Lisa at Wheeks and Squeaks GP Rescue
they normally last about 6 to 8 years i also have a lop eared dwarf and it is not even an adult yet but its really big mus jus b them?
My rabbit lived to 13.
my dwarf lasted about 10 years best pet i ever had
It sounds like it is NOT a dwarf. My sister has a bunny ( floppy ) a large floppy eared rabbit they thought was a dwarf because it was the runt of the litter, she has now had the rabbit for over 10 years and we give it a present every christmas and birthday. It is a big part of her family and we dread the day it dies. But it seems to be very healthy and the VET says she should last another 3 years or so. Amazing but true they have a long life expectancy if well taken care of.
I think rabbits average life is about nine years, i have a five year old rabbit, as long as you feed your rabbit well and handle it loads it'll live for years. i Take my rabbit to the vets for a check up every year and he gets his vaccine against myxomatosis, apparently rabbits can get it and there are no symptoms and your rabbit can die from it. The vaccine is optional and theres no certainty that your rabbit will get it, i just like to be care full. hope all this helps.
A neighbor asked me to take his rabbit because his family sold their house and had to move into an apartment. He did not think it would live much longer because they already had it 11 years and its friend died 2 years before that. I had it for more than 3 years before it died. It was neither a lop-ear nor a dwarf. Just a regular black with gray speckle rabbit.
sounds like u got a mini lop or a french lop . mini lops go to be 6lbs and french lops are bout 10-13 lbs. ummm rabbits can go anywhere form 7-13 yrs or age

How long do rabbits stay pregnant?

If she is pregnant, her pregnancy will last for 28 to 32 days, and then let her do her own thing and look after her babies for at least eight weeks!

This article will give you a lot of help -

Very best of luck!
One month. Give or take two or three days. : )
I think its 28 days give or atke a few, depending on stress.
29-35 days, but the average time is 31 days for your bunny.
Until they give birth!
not long i had 2 rabit who has 2 litters in 30 days but they will kill them if you leave male and female together
Squeeking and grunting often go along with hormonal aggressiveness in females, so that is nothing particularly special, but pulling out fur means she is intending to make a nest. That is a sign of either being pregnant (which, if your vet is good, shouldn't be the case) or going through a false pregnancy.

If it is a false pregnancy, it should pass fairly soon. Just to me safe, if she has had any access to a male (even through two seperate wire cages that were right up to each other.sometimes males and females manage through a wire cage LOL) it might be a good idea to offer her a nestbox.

Rabbits have a 28 to 32 day gestation (pregnancy) period, though occassionally they go as long as 34 days while still being fine. So if you wait 34 days past the last time she had access to a male (or two weeks from today's date, as that is generally the earliest a female will start making a nest before having her babies), and there are no babies, i is pretty safe to assume she had a false pregnancy. It would be a good idea to get her spayed, as well, if you don't want babies. It will help with the aggressive behaviour and false pregnancies.
Rabbits gestation period is between 28 and 32 days.I have never had a rabbit that has had her babies earlier than 28 days.they usually come on the 34th day of depends on the rabbit.i hope this helps you.
A typical rabbit pregnancy last generally between 28-31 days. A few conditions may affect this generalization though. Stress, temperature, and habitat are all conditions that need to be perfect. Also, do not keep the buck in the same pen as the bred doe, or the buck will kill the babies. You can find a gestation table at
a month
rabbits have a 29to31 day gestation period. It mainly all depends on the breed of ur rabbit
they say pregnant for a monthor two not long
About one month. You should really consider spaying your rabbit. They have very high cancer rates if they are not spayed.

How long do rabbits live for??

Iv have had my rabbit for 2 years now woz just wondering if anyone knows how long do they live for??
Well The Vet Or Books On Rabbits Would Say 5 - 6 Up To 8 If You Are Lucky, But When I Was A Little Girl I Had A Boy Rabbit Called Peter And He Only Lived 3 Years Because The Was A Loop Eared Rabbit With Teeth Problems But After Him I Had A Girl One Called Bianca And She Lived Till 9 1/2 And Died Of Old Age One Afternoon Her Heart Just Give Out On Her I Think She Was Going A Bit Blind Too But She Was Healthy Until The Day She Died Bianca Was An Albino,

I Also Think It Depends On What Type Of Rabbit You Get Breed Wise And The Type Of Place You Buy Them From But I Would Say If You Are
Unlucky 3-4 Years
Average 5-6 Years
Lucky 6-8 Years
Very Lucky 8 + Years
*fact* Rabbits generally live for about 4-10 years.
Rabbits live an average of 6 years. However, with good care a life span of 10 years is not unusual, which makes owning a rabbit a long-term commitment.
They can live for around 12yrs, but the average is around 6-7 yrs
Until they are fried up with some peppers and onions.
they live up to around 10 years . its recommend tho that u get your pet neutered calms males down and prevents females from getting tumours in their wombs hence shortening their life span !!
Depends when you decide to stew them.
does depend on the breed as well as where they're kept, how much exercise they get, what they eat. Dwarfs don't always live as long as normal breeds but around 4-8 years is usual
It really depends on how well kept they are. I have heard of rabbits living for 8 years or longer.
the average being about 5years. if kept in good conditions a rabbit can reach around 8 years old.
ummm. they can live up to a certain amout of years but i dunno exactly how long it is
I had one that lived over 14 years. I ended up having to put it to sleep because of health problems.
This from the House Rabbit Society (
They can live to be 7-10 years old
I have heard of many with bunnies that live to be 12-13 years old and in almost every case these are indoor rabbits. Keeping your bunny inside is healthier for your bunny and much more fun for you as you get to interact with your bunny.
a rough guage is the smaller the rabbit the longer it lives. Most larger rabbits only live to 5 years. Most live 5-8 years
iv'e been told mine will live for 6-8 years
About 8 years is the average.
You can find all things house rabbits on these websites.
usual life expectancy is 8 years, that's what i always told my customers when i worked in a pets at home store.
Rabbits live for to be about 7 or 8. But dont expect them to live that long, for me, my 2 rabbits passed away at about a year old. They were not sick, that was just there time. But if you are lucky they could live to be 6. It just depends on the rabbit. (Basically it is luck of the draw.)
Well it all depends really my rabbits have lived to about 6 but a friends rabbit lived till 12.

how long do rabbits live for?

The average age of all rabbits is 7 to 8 years, and 10 years isn't unusual.

However, many rabbits die at 3 or 2 or even 1 year of age, particularly through digestive problems, because their digestive systems are very long and fragile, and it's important that they are fed correctly - (my own website)

And analogously, there are rabbits at the opposite extreme of the 'average' spectrum, who live up to 15 years or even older. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest bunn (in Australia by the way ;) lived to 18 years and 10 months -
We personally know a breeder who had the oldest bunn we have ever known as yet, who lived to 12 years of age :-)

Here's some interesting info on rabbits and age -
Rabbits live an average of 5-10 years - potential life span is up to 15 years. Time to have lots more bunnies!
hello there.. all rabbits live for around 5-10 years.. pretty long time I must say.. rabbit are such a cute pet to own..I have one at home is now 6 month old.. very cute.. =)
wild rabbits (i think) only live about 2years, but our domestic bunnies can live up to 15yrs, I have a friend whose rabbit just had his 14th birthday!
Depends on a lot of factors. Are your rabbits spayed or neutered? Unpsayed females have a very high cancer rate. Are they inside or outside. Inside rabbits can live 8-10 or longer sometimes. Outside rabbit live about 5 years.
about 7 to 8 years

How long Do Pet Rats Usually Live For?

About To Get A Pair Of Rats But Am Interested To See How long They Will Live For
The vast majority live to 2-3 years with a rare exception living to five. The world record for a domesticated rats is not 12 years - it is 7 years 4 months, held by a rat named Rodney.

I know of someone who had a rat for 6 years. He claimed the reason why his rodent lived so long was because he fed his guy blueberries every day. Blueberries are high in cancer fighting compounds, which science has proven. My longest lived rat lived to be 3 and a bit. If you get a rat from a breeder who knows what they're doing and tries to breed long lived rats, you should have a decent companion that will last many years.

Hope that helps :-)
Depends on how you care for them, usually 2 years max, but my friend has one that she takes really good care of and it is on year 5! Wow!
Mine lasted 10 years
Usually up to about three years old! I just found it on this site
Not much help.. but when I was a kid, we had a budgie that lived to 13, and the average is supposed to be about 6-7!
Rats usually live for around two years, although some make it to three and beyond.

Check this link for loads of info
Till a cat gets them and has supper.
with a little bit of love care and attention a pet rat can live for 5 years or more, my pet rat died aged 4 years but sadley he died on the operating table at our local vets and that set me back 50 quid
Oh rats??!!
Rats can live up ot five years. My rats have always lived long lives around 5 years, but rats can sometimes get cancer or anything that like normal rodents can get. As long as you keep them healthly and feed them in moderation, they should live a long time.
Normal life span is about 5 years, however rats begin to develop senility, and fail to thrive. Some rats have lived up to 12 years but that is exceptional. Feed a good diet (Purina makes an excellent one) and do offer treats such as carrot and other vegetables and some fruits. Make certain they have an adequate supply of water. Vitamin E seems to prolong their life and there are several pet vitamins that contain Vitamin E. However, when your pet begins to lose weight (after having lived a long life), is lethargic, and begins rather staggering, it is time to end its suffering. Make certain you provide a chewing toy so that they can wear down their growing teeth..cages with screen mesh bottoms are easy to clean but a little rough on their feet. With daily care, they are fairly odorless. Unless you choose to breed them, it is best to get two females.more compatible and less odor.
1.5-2 years.
well it depends the less they are handled the better they dont like being handles and causes stress for them. i had a rat who i handled once a week and lived till 5 and thats a good age, putting your hand in and stroking them or letting them have a run about outside the cage is fine but they dont like being picked up and help for periods of time.
a male will live for 2 and half years, a female for 3.
that is the expected life span, though its not unusual for a rat to live for 5-6 years.
They can vary. 1 - 3/4 years if your lucky.
Like mice they are very prone to different types of cancer. When a rat gets cancer it really isnt worth spending the money on an operation because not many rats survive.
Mine have all lived to around the ripe old age of 4 or 5, one of them actually made it to the 7 year old mark. If you take care of them properly they can live an average of 3 to 4 years

How long do pet hamsters typically live?

life span is 2-3 years but if you take really good care of them they could live longer
A few months
As long as the family dog lets them.
2 years..3 if ur lucky =)
With proper care, they can live up to 4 years, probably a little less in captivity, but thats only with the right amount of space, food, excercise.
about 3 to 4 years.
I have never had one last longer than a year and between me growing up and my kids now..That would be approx. 10 hamsters or so.

I always expect them too pass around a year
a few years .. maybe even up to 5years..if u treat them well..give then gd "service" lyk feeding them de right food..changing their house often..and give them toys to play!..but if u think ur hamsters are not happy..or sick..u can always bring them to de vet!
I do not think they live longer than 5 years. But you can ask the pet store some breeds live longer then others.
it depends on what kind of hamster it is but it will probably last 2-5 yrs. at the most
2 to 3 ys typically
Usually 2 to 4 years but i had one live about 4 1/2 years.
One to two years typically, but i just had a hamster die sadly a few days ago and she lived a little over 3 years which is a REALLY LONG time for a hamster to live!!

May you Rest In Peace Pellet
2 years I think, at least thats how long fluffy and tidy lived, I like to call them dixie cup pets..I did love them so
A friend of mine swore she had the same hamster for 12 years when she was growing up. I had to tell her that her folks did the old switcheroo at the petstore since hamsters only live for 3 to 4 years. Poor thing was heartbroken! LMAO!
2-3 years. go to petco
A hamster can live up to 4 years as long as you take good care of them.I make sure my hamster has clean fresh food and water eeryday along with a wheel and tubes for exercise a clean cage with fresh bedding and some chew toys so her teeth won't get too sharp.I've had her for almost a year and bought her when she was maybe 5 months old.Special treats that you can give hamsters every other week is bread,apple slices and lettuce.
20 min. i know i had one once
In me maybe 5 yrs. My hamster are 5 years now. They're really old.
3-4 years if you take care of it..
Well, they poop allot and bite.Other then that they eat,sleep, and play.
If it's a dwarf hamster it lives up to about 1 - 2 years. If it's a regular size hamster it lives up to about 3 - 4 years.
Most live for 2 yrs. Some live for 3 yrs.
2 to 3 yrs. although most only live for months
they can vary between 1-3 years. But it all depends if they have proper care or not.

how long do pet hampster live thinking about getting one?

how big and wot kind of cage wot do they like should should I get 2 so they have a friend that kind of stuff ho wmuch work are they etc
I've had many hampsters in my life.You need a small cage or one of those plexi-glass aquariums, with wood chips and definitely a running wheel,as they run a lot at night.Don't get 2,it's hard to tell male from female, so they may reproduce very quickly.The average life span is 3yrs.Also if you don't clean them often ,they smell very bad.Otherwise easy to feed,they love seeds,vegetables,dry bread and some fruit.
They live to be about 2 years, but my cousins lasted 3. Maybe if you take good care of it, it will live to be really old.
Hamsters live only about 3 years at most. Many die around 1 1/2 to 2 years.
if taken care of 5 years
Hamsters are easy to care for as long as you have the time for them. You would be wise to choose a young one, and probably just one to begin with. I have known hamsters to live for up to 10 yrs my self. If you change the cage at least once a week, handle them every day and make sure they are fed and watered, they are no prob. But you will want to get just one, and mainly find out if its male or female. To often you end up with babies and the female won't let the male stay in the same cage. make sure you get a tamer one.
Hamsters live about 16 months, depending on a WIDE variety of things. They are a good introductory pet for adults or kids okay with losing a pet. Not a very good choice for anyone learning about pets though. High maintenance, low cost, and kind of boring. Depends on the purpose for the pet is my best advice.
hamsters normally live for about three to four years if taken care of. get one of those that have the tubes that connect to another cage they like room to run in. if you get two make sure its not a male and female becuz you will end up with 50 they reproduce like rabbits. trust me i know i have been there and done that!
Hamsters usually live about 1-3 years. As far as cage size, just be reasonable. Most pet stores and plaes like Petsmart and Petco will be happy to recommend what you will need. Nowadays you can get everything from the simplest cage to 2 and 3 story cages that are quite involved. There not really involved; cage cleaning once a week fresh food and water everyday and things to chew on so their teeth stay trimmed are about the basic needs.
Getting 2 is a good idea, as they will keep eachother company.but make sure they are both the same sex for obvious reasons. They make babies quickly and anywhere from 5 or 6 to 12 or 13 at a time. Make sure when you pick them out that you handle them before you take them home. Don't just let the person pick them out and put them in a box to take home. Hamsters are notorious for being aggressive. Not all are. but many can be. Also, if there are more that 1 cage they are in, it's a good idea to take 2 from the same cage as they are a bit territorial and may fight if they are not used to eachother.
Hope this helps and have fun with your new critters =)
Lifespan varies with breed and living conditions. Plan on three years, more or less. Of course, this number can fluctuate quite a bit. I've never seen one last more than about 5 years,though.

If you're getting hammies, and want more than one so they will have company, get some that have been together since they were babies. Some breeds (especially the short-haired dwarfs) are very aggressive to new arrivals if they didn't grow up with them. They will actually kill a new hamster (I've experienced this!) Many short-hair dwarfs will bite you! If you don't want to deal with all that aggression, the long-haired Teddy Bear hamsters are some of the most gentle you will ever find!
For a pair, an 18x24" cage is adequate. a 10-gallon aquarium is a good footprint to go by, but is not a good choice for a habitat because the cage won't have adequate ventilation, and will get pretty rank for the hammies after a few days. Either way, you should plan on changing the litter in the cage every week or so.

Good luck!
they live 1 -2 yrs they tell you but i have a dwarf hamster that is past 2 yrs now if you get 2 then it has to be 2 that have been 2gether s ince birth or they will eventually fight til death if you do research there are no records on any hamster living 10 yrs. DO NOT USE WOOD CHIPS PROVEN FACT IT CAUSES BREATHING PROBLEMS YOUR PET WNT LIVE LONG
It depends on the Breed of hamster you buy. Some hamster live a maximum of two years, well others can live up to five years if taken care of properly.

If you do get a hamster, here's some tips on who to choose:

1. Get a male. Females bite more often and tend to be more aggressive. They also can reproduce.

2. Don't put a male and a female in the same cage unless you want little baby hamsters in 3 weeks.

3. I suggest the Syrian hamster, or teddy bear hamster.

Hope you get a hamster! They are loveley pets.

PS. If you get a hamster and it likes to bite, try using a thick pair of gloves while playing/holding it.
Syrian-2 years
They live around 2-3 years.

Get a cage that you want, hamsters dont care. Just make sure its not to small.

If you get 2 Dwarf Hamsters then yes its ok to get 2.

I think you should get a Dwarf Hamster, They dont bite like everyone says, Mine has never bit me, they only bite people becouse there rude to them.

Dwarf Hamsters arent much work, you only have to clean there cage once a week, or they will start to stink. There fun and a good pet.

Dont get a syrain or teddy bear, there groos and there poop is big,%26 they pee alot! Get a Dwarf!

Dwarf Hamsters arent that much work.

BE sure to hold to hold your dwarf everyday for at least 1 min.

Email me if you have any questions! At.. or .. if youve got any questions!

How long do jenny/daddy long legs live?

id hope not long i h8 the things 1 was in my bedroom the other day so i had to chuck a book on it (i H8 them)
I think they only live fot 24 hrs
It depends what house they fly into, if the resident of that house don't like them, then not for long!
one day unless I see it first.
about five mins in this house.
not that long in my house the cat eats them if he catches them
where did u get jennei from
Wat do they DO TO YOU they are harmless they look bad but there not
NOT LONG if I catch them in my bath tub! About 10 seconds if I see them! What is a jenny? I call them all EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!
that depends on how long they stay out of my house
not long in my house i hate them .what use do they have.cept to annoy people.. my cat likes to eat them.
females can live for many years upwards of 12 years as far as i know but males are unfortunate and only live for average of 2-3 like other spiders momma munches on them after sex.
Adult crane flies feed on nectar or not at all; most crane fly species live only to mate and die once they become adults.
Too long in my opinion. They are vile, hatred things, sent here to cause us misery and suffering.
Not long in my house. My dog eats them!

How long do house or garden spiders live for?

They only live until they have accomplished the one thing in life that is important to them, which is as we all know.To scare the living daylights out of you! Once they've done that they die peacefully with massive smiles on their faces.
about 2 minutes in my house i hate the little bastards. why do they need all them legs?
In my daughter's house - as long as it takes her bloke to get it sucked up the Dyson!
About 1sec. in my house I hate them why would U ever want one?
Very long! And they bite!
in my house FOREVER, they are MI5 trained and know all the secrect places in my house and they know when my hubby is away so they can come out and chase me and i dont know where you live but im in yorkshire in the middle of nowhere and these bastards can even jump!! i kid you not !
depends how good you are at swatting them
They live about 8 days, but if their food intake is restricted, they can live over 80 days.
As long as i can cope!! if not i set my cats on them and hope they eat them and not play for too long!! last night i coped for an hour looking at a big black house spider as long as they don't start moving towards me they can stay where they are!! This one decided it wanted to share the sofa so i let my little kittens see it it lasted for 10 Min's of toss the spider and then they ate him sorry no love for spiders from me!! They could of had the decency to eat all the legs though i had to hoover half of it up this morning!!
Red i don't really know but i don't suspect that they would live to long if this bunch gets there hands on them
They can live in the garden as long as they want to but in my house they have a very short life span, All kidding aside, I read once years ago, so I don't remember the source, some breeds can live as long as 20 years.
as long as u want them to live
They live up to 2-3rs but i have kept one form a baby for 4yrs and it was massive but had to depert it as b*itch got pregnant and they can produce 1000 spiderlings.

How long do horses live?

Usually till they are about 31-33 years old.
25 or so.more like 30+
20 or so years.maybe more
they can live up to mid to late 30s and early 40s if their lucky.
the oldest horse recorded was a horse of 56 who i think died in 1916
The can live up to 30 + years! It's a lifelong commitment!
Good Luck!
Go to this website if you want, it will tell you how old horses can get and how old was the oldest to ever live. It tells you that the average lifespan of a horse is, 20-30yrs. The oldest horse recorded, born 1760, was 62yrs old. The oldest pony recorded, was 54yrs old. The website tells you more records, like the smallest pony, or the largest horse.
when a horse is born it will usually live about 5 weeks and then die
depends on how well they are taken care of, most live to be 30+ if taken care of properly
Depends on the size of the horse
Large Horses (15-18 hh)= approximatley 20-25+ years

medium horses and ponies (14.3 hh and under)= 30-35+ years
Depends on the breed of horse. average 25-35
Most horses and ponies if they live in the wild live for about a dozen years.
But horses and ponies that live with people can live up to middle 30's.
I had two old horses, who both reached their mid 30's before they passed on. One at age 35 and the other at age 32. I gave them the best care possible, with warm water in the winter, vet checks every six months, farrier every seven to eight weeks, wormed every seven to eight weeks, annual teeth floating.
If you give the horse the best care possible, you can get the horse into their mid 30's and maybe even beyond that age. They need a lot of care but the love that they give is worth it. I would not give the experience that I had with my two horses for anything in the whole world. I now have young horses who I hope that I will get into their mid 30's like I did with these two horses. They get the best care even now - with hay, grain, water, vet care, farrier care and lots of love from me.

How long do hamsters stay pregnant?.?

Any info on these little animals would be very helpfull.
Syrian hamster's gestate for 16-18 days. Dwarf hamsters gestate for 18-21 days. In my own experiance, the dwarves run closer to the 21 day mark, than the 18.

Once they've given birth, make sure to keep the cage in a quiet location, and keep the water %26 food fresh every day. Add in some sliced cucumber each day for the mom, as it helps hydrate her. Just a few small chunks, like half a slice a day.

Once the babies are moving around, which happens around 10 days, then offer more cucumber, because they'll eat it as well.

Moms will dehyrdate quickly, though, as they are producing the milk and feeding their pups, so make certain they have fresh water and cucumber to help them keep hydrated!

You can handle the pups safely when they are roughly 10 days old. At about 7 days, feel out how the mom reacts by putting your hand in the cage, and near the pups (but not right on them- about 2 inches away from them). If she starts hissing, or tries to bite you, back off. Don't handle them until they are 10 days old, though, but do the hand thing daily, several times if you can. This will help Mom understand you do not mean to harm them, and it will help the pups learn your scent.

You can spot clean around the nest at any time, but be very careful not to disturb the nest at all. Once the babies are moving about easily at 10 days, you can clean the whole cage out again, but be careful when transporting the pups into where ever you put ham's while cleaning.

Good luck with the pups!
Check this out
9 days!
til they have babies
about 16 days and go to this websight cause it has helpful information!!
16 days for a Syrian hamster.

how long do hamsters live?

i think the average is 18 months to 3 years
i had one that lived to be 4.5years - it was called Sparky and was very very cute.
I wonder if you are thinking of getting a hamster? - perhaps your mum/dad could let us know if you do get one and what you will call it.
good luck xx
2-4 years
we've had 2 hamsters and they both lived for around two years.
my friends hamster lived for three years but some live longer and some shorter. I think it depends on the breed of hamster
about 3 years
about 5 years
around 2 years although we recently had one that only lasted 6 weeks :-( good luck
ordinary hamsters live for 2 - 2.5 years dwarf hamsters can live for up to 3.5 -4 yrs robrovskis dwarf hamsters are the longest lived
They usually live about one year. Good luck.
2 to 3 years they are great pets but you need to get them used to you first they dont come home tame id recomend a male teddy bear hamster they are really nice

good luck!
Usually around 2 years. my last one was 3 1/2 when he died. I was very proud that he lived to such a ripe old age.
around 2-5 years, anythings possible.
my hamster lived for 3 years it depends on how u look after them or where u get them from!!
The longest any of my hamsters have lived was 4 1/2 years. It was a golden hamster.

how long do hamsters live i got mine amonth ago from a pet store they did not tell me how old she was.?

hamsters usually live two to four years
Hamsters generally live 5ish years.
Hamsters usually only live about 3 years.
Somewhere from 2 to 5 years. It all depends on her pedigree. Some strains are longer lived, just like humans.

Are you sure it's a she? Most pet stores only sell male hamsters.
Arounf 2-4 years. My dwarf Hamster died when she was 1 years old. But she only died couse we had a cancer 'ish/Tumor. It was sad.

Your hamster was probibly 4-5 weeks old.

If youve got any questions then email me at.

How long do Guinea Pigs live?

I would like to know the life span of a guinea pig, I want to know how long they live??
Hello, they live any where from three to seven years, i have one of my personal piggies that is eight, he is a senior but he is still frisky. the better you take care of them the longer they will live.
a couple of years.
2-10 years
A healthy guinea pig will live between 4-8 years.
Well mine lived for 5 yeaers when it was a baby, I took care of him a lot, So yea they live to 5-10 years
Don't worry you'llfigure out someday but for now i'll just tell you that you won't need to worry, they live for a good 6-7 years for more information go to this guinea pig website, for eveything you will need to know
Average is about 3-7 years, though I had a guinea pig who lived until she was about 10.
A guinea pig's general lifespan is 6-8 years.
about 5-8 years i think.
they live about 12 years or so
They lives from 5-7 years. But their lifespan really depends on its environment and whether it's domesticated or not.

How long do goats stay in labor before delivery?

150 days, give or take a few days.

I've attached a link that describes the stages of goat pregnancy and care.

Enjoy - little kids are the sweetest!

*edit* I read the question as: How long is a goat pregnant? My apologies. Anyway, that same link has information about labor.
Once the amniotic sac breaks, it should not be long at all, anywhere between 20 minutes to two hours. If she has not delivered by this time, you have a problem and should call a vet immediately
It ranges. Every goat is different and there is no specific time frame for it.

When labor starts they can go right away and other times it can take a few hours. When the kids start coming it shouldn't be, but minutes. Anything longer and there is a problem. When they are going into labor there are a few signs. Some don't even show signs, but the usual is they stop eating, pace a bit, they are secluding themselves, their mucus plug will come out (you'll see icky discharge, this means they are getting ready to deliver), and they tend to have their kids in the early morning. Before dawn, well my goats do. What a pain.

I have heard that if you feed does (who are close to delivering) late at night they won't kid until later in the morning. I'm going to try this trick when kidding season starts. We'll see. Anyway, if it is a senior doe who has been there before, the labor goes quick. First timers can take longer.

How long do flies live?

The House Fly - A Common Pest

They're a common pest around most homes, but how much do you know about the average house fly? Get the buzz on this household insect.

The House Fly - Life Cycle
These are the four distinct stages in an average house fly's life:
Egg: Depending on the size of a female house fly, she can lay up to 500 eggs in a three to four day period. Eggs are white in color and are usually less than half an inch in size.
Larvae: Larvae are commonly referred to as maggots. Maggots emerge from the eggs within eight to 20 hours of being laid. Larvae begin eating whatever they can find in the area they were laid. They prefer warm, moist environments to grow in.
Pupa: After about four to 10 days, a maggot will move to higher, drier ground to move into the pupa stage of its life. This process take about three to six days and is where the maggot encases inself in a reddish-brown skin where the final stages of development take place.
Adult: Once the adult house fly hatches from the pupal stage, it has an approximate life span of 15 to 30 days. Females are able to start producing eggs after two days of life and will continue to lay eggs for about a month. Female house flys are usually larger than the males.

The House Fly - A Day in the Life
You will find house flies pretty much everywhere there are humans or animals. Flies love things like garbage, manure and anything else that left out in a warm environment (like the chicken you left thawing on your counter all day). House flies don't feed off of human flesh - they get their nutrients from spitting saliva on their food, which liquifies it so they can suck it up with their sponge-like mouths.

The House Fly - Did U Know?
House flies can travel up to six miles in 24 hours, but they usually prefer to stay close by their breeding ground.
The easiest way to keep flies out of your home is to keep things clean. Don't leave food lying around, make sure you take out the garbage on a regular basis and wipe up messes right away.
Fly investations are often found on farms because it is hard to keep them from breeding in the readily available manure.
House flies like to perch on things like wire or string.
The newest show on Disney, The Buzz on Maggie, follows the life of a family of flies that live in the fictional town of Stickyfeet.
i herd 2 weeks
24 hours but they can have babys and you know what they are maggots

How long do female fancy rats usually live?

My daughter and I love our little rat. And she is already about 2 years old.
I think 2 years is average life span.maybe a little son has 4 rats, and we just love 'em to death! I also had a female rat when I was a teenager. Don't they make awesome pets? We enjoy them SO much!
3 to 4 years are longer by a little bit
The Fancy Rat's ancestor is the Brown Rat, also known as the sewer rat (Rattus norvegicus) which can be seen in the wild. Bred in captivity in sterile conditions in laboratories has resulted in a disease free and friendly pet that today is referred to as the Fancy Rat.

Males are larger and plumper than females, with full-grown males males being approximately 20-25cm from nose to the base of the tail and females being 16-18cm in length. The head is pointed and the tail is hairless.

The rat is a sociable pet appreciating the company of others. Rats are nocturnal becoming more active in the evenings and during the night. Rats are intelligent and affectionate making them extremely good pets.

The average lifespan of a rat is 2-2陆 years although they can live longer and up to 3-4 years has been known.

how long do dwarf hamsters live?

i had my dwarf hamster for a year and it died a month ago. i dont know whether it's because they're supposed to live for a certain amount of time or because i overfed him.
Well. that really depends. but most have a "shelf life" of 1 to 2 years.

My friend has one that lived 4 years. but we think it just wont die because it loves to torment her. lol
When I was in college I got a hamster (whos life expectancy is only a few years 1-2) and it died only a few month after i got it. I got another one and he lived for 4 years and died the day i was moving out. They arent known for living long lives and they love to eat so i dont think you can overfeed them..but maybe. Did he die of wet tail? Or natural causes?
they live for 100 years
3-5 years is there normal life span. YOu might have over fed him or if someone smokes in the house that might have killed him too!
Hamsters will not over feed, so relax on that notion. They will hide the food in different areas, making you think they are eating it much faster than they are, but they only eat when hungry, or given a tasty treat.

Dwarves live slightly shorter than Syrian hamsters, so I would say 1-2 years is the average, give or take.

Most likely, he just died of old age. It could have been other things, such as diabetes (which is common in dwarves, and hard to notice or diagnose), tumors, or even just fall. Dwarves are climbers, but they are more fragile than syrians, and a fall from the top of the bars in thier cage to the floor could cause injuries that might wind up getting infected.

I would say that it's probably just age, though.
I've gone through 3 dwarf hamsters. The first one lived for about a year and a half. A year later I got two girls, which was a mistake because one killed the other. After that I said no more hamsters. Plus, if you get a mean one, they bite, hard.
I had a dwarf hamster. I had her for a little over 2 years. You probably didn't overfeed him, maybe he died of unknown causes. Usually, dwarf hamsters last 2 years.

How long do dwarf bunnies live?

The average age of all rabbits is 7 to 8 years, and 10 years isn't unusual.

However, many rabbits die at 3 or 2 or even 1 year of age, particularly through digestive problems, because their digestive systems are very long and fragile, and it's important that they are fed correctly - (my own website)

And analogously, there are rabbits at the opposite extreme of the 'average' spectrum, who live up to 15 years or even older. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest bunn (in Australia by the way ;) lived to 18 years and 10 months -
We personally know a breeder who had the oldest bunn we have ever known as yet, who lived to 12 years of age :-)

Here's some interesting info on rabbits and age -
Right up until you cook them.
Until they die.
Well.. you know, the average life span for those cuties is about 10 years.
an average of 6 years but up to 10 or even 12 if you take really good care of them
Too freegin' long.
like 20 years
I understand that some dwarf rabbits can live up to 15 years.

Some additional information, they can hav 7 to 12 babies and it should eat about 100 grams or 4 oz of dry food a day also hay and fresh water. Small amounts of hard crunchy vegetables, but never lettuce as this is a laxative.
8 to 10 years
Depends on if they live indoors or outside and if they are fixed. If you have ones that live outside they will live around 5 years because of all the stress and weather problems. If they are indoor about 8-10 years. If you have an unspayed female about 3-5 years because they have a very high cancer rate.

How long do ducks sit on eggs before they hatch,?

My duck Jill is sitting on about 14 eggs, when will they hatch, and will they all hatch at the same times, how will l know when they will be hatched.
Duck eggs need to be incubated for 28 days. That is 28 days from the time she starts sitting on them. It may take her a couple of weeks to lay enough eggs for her to start sitting. When she feels that her clutch (group of eggs) is the right size, she will start sitting. Wait for 28 days. Any eggs that are not hatched after 35 days are probably bad. Throw them away. If she moves an egg out of her clutch then it is bad. Do not try to put it back. bad does not necessarily mean rotten. It may just not be fertilized. There is a drake in the flock, right?
be patient it will happen
usally they will hatch about 3 or 4 months after she lays them and no they will not all hatch most of them do though.
well. first off are they fertile ?
2nd it takes 21 or more days
they should hatch one a day or it depends on when she started laying on them.
you will know by hearing peeps and stuff.
good luck
let me know if you have more questions.
Eggs from common ducks like Pekins require 28 days to hatch. Eggs from Muscovy ducks hatch in about 35 days after setting. When larger numbers of duck eggs are to be hatched, large commercial incubators (setters) and hatchers are normally used. Pekin duck eggs are kept in a setter for 25 days and then transferred on the 25th day to a hatcher where they remain until they hatch on the 28th day.
It takes 28 days for the eggs to hatch
Duck eggs hatch in a period of 28-33 days after they are laid, if they are fertile. The ducklings will hatch over a period of several hours, maybe even over a day or so.

If there is no Jack in Jill's life, the eggs are not fertile and will never hatch. (Female ducks will sit on eggs even if they are not fertile, but if it goes much over a month with none hatching, you can assume that the eggs were not fertile and you should take them away so that Jill can move on to other things.)

How long do domestic ducks live?

My duck is almost 13 years old and is not eating like he usually does and I am very concerned about him. Today I am going to the pet store and buy him some worms to see if he will eat those, maybe that will make him feel better?
Trip to the VET is The answer here. and Ive know domestic pet ducks to live as long as 20 years. each one is different.

Even if its old age you dont want him suffering. He is telling you he is not feeling normal.. You know him well by now if you have had him that long and if you are concerned,, you dont need any o fus out here telling you to get it checked out.. nothing anyone out here says will make you feel better until you do..
so get onit..

It could be something treatable., We have 2 Hybrid mallards and they are family I know how you must feel! :(

Also it could be parasites. Did you know that things like grasshoppers, crickets and eathworms often have parasites and pass them along to animals who eat them?

Do you feed a duck chow?? Purinas layena is the one we like.

I wish you well.. but advise a Vet call if not a trip to one.

Good Luck

the average life span for a domestic duck is around 12 to 15 yrs. So it may be he is nearing his life span, and winter coming may not help this. Maybe he will be ok.

how long do daddy long legs last for?

a mate said a day and i wanna get rid of them as they are driving me crazy?
way too long
whats with the daddy long legs thing today?
they only live for 2 days, and their venom can actually kill us but their stings aren't strong enough to penetrate our skin
depends on how many people it has in it's lada
Lifespan may vary from three months to two years depending on temperature and food supply.
Daddy Long Legs this Daddy Long Legs that. I am fed up with Daddy Long Legs.
I don't know but will be checking n on your answers, my brother, the super clean freak out of all the family, found a daddy long legs on the back of his couch, the legs crossing to the top, at least 3 or more feet and the side as well, he was the real grand daddy. No webs in that house, but I thought I saw it all, up north, well, proves we never do. So wonder how old it was. Remember, they are the one and only good spider. They eat all the bugs, mosquitoes and all those that bother you. Yes, we are tired of the webs and all of them, but they can help us. Did you know they are the most venomous spiders? But they can't open their mouth enough to bite us, just another God send that most don't know about.
They actually live for 57 years on average and cannot be killed by conventional means
Not very in my house! if buggers keep me up at night.. squash! Sorry im too evil
There appears to be confusion - there is the daddy long legs spider with a tiny tiny body and very long legs and that keeps to himself and in the corners and then there is the Crane Fly which people also refer to as daddy long legs and those are the annoying little buggers - they live 24 hours and they go mad over a 4 week period and then they are gone. Their larvae lies dormant under the surface of the soil. When the rain falls and it is warm like it is the ground is softer and the little buggers come out in their droves.
Too bloody long! Damned flying spiders!

Begone, thou most evil flying thing!

(Don't you just hate it when you can hear their legs on the walls and ceiling after you've turned out the light?!)
they live for 3 days
They last three days if they are lucky come into my area of space 10 seconds!
Only 48 hours luckilly! They are so horrible, we're being plagued by them and I'm scared! Seriously though, they only live for between 48- 36 hours so they are not too bad, but when one dies, the next one comes in then! Good luck! X
I saw this on TV the other day. Apparently the adults live for between 2 and 5 days. The bad news is that they spend their whole time mating and then leaving larvae in your lawn which then eat it and leave dead patches. Just as well they aren't around longer or it would be more like a locust raid !
There are an awful lot of them at the moment and as they mate and leave reminders behind, you need to learn to put up with them.
Wait for a cold snap and keep your heating off for a few days is the only effective way, till next year.
3 days
way too long
What is the point of daddy long legs anyway
24 hours. They have no mouth and are basically rather daft looking breeding machines. The leatherjacket, the thing that munches your grass from the roots up is the jlarvae and can live for several years before maturing.

how long do crickets live?

There are several types of crickets in the United States. These pests are found in and out of the home. They can cause damage when they invade the home.We will discuss those most common.

Camel Back or Cave Crickets

Most pests want to live where people live, but these pests are different. They love dark, damp, cave-like settings where they can nest. These environments provide both food and water. They can live for a long time in a home without being detected by the residents. As their population increases, some will get into living areas.

Habits: They will move onto areas around the home taking up residence under porches, sheds, and the like. They love moisture and darkness.

Diet: Nesting under porches and sheds usually have moisture and darkness that thereby produce fungus and mold which crickets feed on. Also, they will feed on fabric. They love to eat both synthetic and manmade materials including rugs, furniture, books, canvas, clothing, boxes, linen,drapery, and just about anything we have in our living area.

Signs of Infestation
Sightings, Damaged goods, Chirping(singing)

Other Information: Their vision is such that it appears to them they are moving away from a would-be predator but in fact they are moving towards it. This may give the appearance that they are attacking which in turn chases the would-be predator away. Another unique feature of this cricket is that they jump randomly and are more likely to jump at you than away from you. It is believed this is due to how they see, as described in the above.

Field Crickets

Most people know field and house crickets. They look similar to house crickets. Either species will live in and around the home.

Appearance: Field crickets are dark to black in color. It is larger than the House cricket(house crickets are about 3/4 inch long) and has wings extending beyond the wing covers. It is usually dark brown to gray or blackish. Field crickets frequently invade homes and may feed on a wide variety of materials causing damage to almost anything.There is a smaller species of the genus Nemobius that may invade homes in late summer.

Habits: Field crickets will move inside when grasses dry up or when enviromental conditions outside become unfavorable.

Diet: Similar to the diet of Camel or Cave and House crickets. They do feed on soil also and soft plant parts.

Signs of Infestation
Crickets can make the most from a compost pile and will readily nest anywhere garbage accumulates. They also moisture,where water accumulates or where mold and algae may be growing.Look for signs of damaged goods, listen for noise such as chirping. They will feed on similar things that the Camel or Cave Crickets do-- see Diet

Biology: Adult females can lay several hundred eggs. These hatch and the young develop through a series of instars before it fully matures. It takes about a year for a generation to develop. Since one female can lay hundreds of eggs , initial activity is usually not noticed. Once eggs hatch and migrate around the home, populations will quickly grow.In the spring , expect to see small crickets. By fall, adults will be foraging into structures looking for a warm place to spend the winter months.

Other Information: Field crickets are often attracted to lighted areas at night. Thus , problems with crickets can be lessened by turning off lights during periods when crickets are numerous. Cricket infestations can lead to mouse and rat problems,since these rodents like to feed on crickets.

House Crickets

Appearance: Adults are about 3/4 inch long with 3 dark bands on the head and long , thin atennae. The body is light yellowish brown.

Habits: Active at night, usually remaining hidden during the day.

Diet: They are omnivorous, eating or drinking almost anything that is avaliable. They may chew on or damage silk , woolens, paper, fruit, and vegetables.

Signs of Infestation
Sightings, Damaged materials, Chirping

Biology: see--- Field cricket

Other Information: Crickets like to feed on the glue that holds wallpaper. They can destroy the wallpaper in the process of going after the glue. If they have their way, they will continue to feed on this area eventually consuming the wallpaper itself. crickets are just as likely to be a pest in closets as moths or closet beetles.
6-8 weeks depending on temperature

How long do "teddy bear" hamsters usually live?

Most say between 2-4 years but they can live a lot longer. My kids had one that was with us for 5 years. He was well taken care of and feed lots of veggies on top of the hamster food ( he loved bok choy). He was even a class pet for my daughters whole 3rd grade year. Anything that is well taken care of and loved can last longer than normal life span. TLC and your off to a good start!
teddy bear hampsters usually dont live very long but the most i know of them living is up to 3 or 4 years. if they are well taken care of. but they are highly septable to diseases so whenever your pet hampster dies its because of a disease that you can not control. its not your fault
Most reference books say they live 2-2 1/2 years, but my previous one lived for 3 1/2.
The average is.. 2-3 yrs. Some can live up to 5 if taken care of properly. I like dwarf Hamsters there great pets! They live 2-4 yrs!

Good luck with your teddy Friend!. I hope you enjot it!
2 years or so

How long can triops survive out of water. I need to scoop them out of the water and put them in a clean cup.?

The water has turned kind out green so I have to scoop them out with a spoon and transfer them to a cup with some water. On the spoon there is no water at all cause it is drained so I want to know how long they can survive out of water. I also need some tips on how to change the water. Thanks for the help.
You will kill them if you do a full water change. Poor some of the dirty water into a cup and get the triops in there with it. (be sure to save at least 1/3 of the water)
clean the container then add new spring water (never use tap water). poor back the 1/3 water with the triops in it and enjoy

The longest I had a triop was about six months. They are fun though, but tap water or bottled drinking water will kill them - so does full water changes as we found out.
You could just take an empty cup and dunk it into the tank and scoop them into it. I would just drain out the water and put in some fresh bottled water. Don't use tap.

How long can African Dwarf Frogs survive out of water?

I need to know how long these things can survive out of water as my dorm will only allow me pets that, like fish, die pretty fast once they escape.
They cannot survive out of water. Their skin will dry out and they'll die. You could keep then out of the water, and at 100% humidity, they might survive for a while. They can indeed be kept out of the water for a while without negative results, but it's not advisable. A while could be anywhere from a few hours to possibly a couple days. I really wouldn't try a couple days. Of course, I wouldn't try taking them out at all. And they DO rise to the surface to breathe. They don't have to leave the water. Just stick their noses out. It's not very often, because they're cold blooded, not active enough to use oxygen, and because amphibians absorb oxygen through their skin. In addition to drying out outside of the water, their bodies cant support their weight. I know the weight seems negligible, but it's not to them. They suffocate because their organs move around wrong.
African water frogs are very hardy (with the right conditions) but they do need water to live. I had one get out and found it a couple days later dried up on the stairs. If your worried about them escaping, put a cover over the cage and don't fill the bowl up too far. Only about 3/4s of the way.

how long can a rabbits labour last?

rabbit has had 2 kits born 15 hours apart both dead she seems to still be in labour is this normal
Don't ever assume it is dead

They are born without hair and are subject to hypothermia very quickly. Sometimes babies that were cold and stiff by simply immersing them in a cupful of lukewarm water for a couple of minutes and then warmed in a towel with a hair dryer. When thoroughly dry and warm to the touch, you may return them to the nest box with the others. If there are several babies I put them in a zip lock plastic bag and hold it by the open top under warm water.

Listed below will be a helpful site for you. (O:

As for still seeming like she is inlabor I can not help you there, try calling some of the vets in your area, most of the time thay will answer some questions over the phone, I do it all the time with our rescue if I am not sure of something.
My condolences. Don't know anything about rabbit labor, but it is sad.
I'm no for shore but you would ask a vet and then hell tell you if 15 hrs are long for a rabbit.
a rabbit labour can last a few hours there is no set time rabbits normally give birth at night there is no exact time for rabbit labour i would ask your vet for advice if you think shes still in labour good luck
I've read about that. She can still be in labour. If the 2 kits were abnormally big they might be lethal giants. Thats only if the father
is bigger than the mother. If thats so there will be tiny peewees in the litter and they can unfortunately die after 3 days. The lethal giants are stillborn due to hard long labour. But hopefully thats not the case.

how long can a praying mantis go without food?

It depends on the age of the mantis, but adults can go a week without any ill effects . but that doesn't make it a good idea! Wild animals have to be hardy to survive out there, and a mantis will expect to have 'lean times' when there's hardly any food around.! In nature, that would either be caused by weather conditions making it impossible for mantids to move around, hurricanes for example, or it would be caused by man hacking down the mantid's favourite hunting grounds..!

Young mantis nymphs will not be so hardy - a couple of days, maybe 3, is all they can manage. Again, they're built to live that way - but if you've got a pet mantis and you can't feed it, you should let it free . it will have a far greater chance of survival out there.!

If you DO have a mantis, do you know what to feed it? It's fairly easy these days to order live crickets on-line, or buy them in an exotic pet shop (where they're usually sold as lizard food!) You might be able to catch bugs outside, if you can get a bug catching net (wider ring than a fishing net, white fine-mesh netting.) Butterflies and dragonflies are especially popular!!

If you're going on holiday for more than a week, get someone else to chuck bugs in for the mantis. If you're going for less than a week, or a week at the most, chuck a lot of 'harmless' bugs in before you go - enough to last it a few days. Crickets are not harmless, but they'll do if your mantis isn't going to shed it's skin while you're away.
For as long as s/he can pray stoopid
That concerns me. Why are you not feeding him?

How long can a new monarch butterfly live in captivity?

My daughter had a caterpillar inside a 2 liter soda bottle that we made for its home. It just came out of the chrysalis and is a butterfly, but my daughter is not home to see it. She will be home tomorrow night. My question is can I keep the butterfly in the bottle (the top half is cut off so the butterfly can be released) until tomorrow night or do I have to let it go now?
I can't answer your question, but here's a lot of websites with a lot of great info on butterflies - have a browse and enjoy - hope you find your answer amongst these sites -
i was gonna say til it died but a couple days it shoud be ok

How long can a hamster go with out food? how long do they live in general?

Hamsters can go for about 4 or 5 days with out food but they store food in there expandble cheeks
They live 2 to 3 years depending on how well you look after it.
They are not hard work at all. If you are thinking of getting one then go ahed but give it love and care if you do.

Here are some sites for hamster care.
Good Luck

P.S. Be carful it you have a cold or a flo becouse hamsters can catch them so try not to touch it.
They live about 3 years - I would guess they could probably go without food for a few days.
Hamsters can go about three to four days without feeding them, but they do store there food in there bed or in there mouth so it might take awhile for them to starve, but water is really important so make Shir you say on top of that. They usually live 2 to 4 year mine lived 3
Probibly can go without food for 4-5 days.But make sure they always have water. My hamster stores alot of food!
There average live span is. 2-3 years. My dwarf Hamster died at the age of 1 yr. But thats couse she had a cancer' ish /Tumor. It was really sad. (So if you ever see a lump on your Hamster its more than likely has a cancer ish/ Tumor.
thay can go 2 or 3 weeks with out food. thay can live 7 to 10 years.

How long can a bunny rabbit be pregnant for?

Rabbits are pregnant for 28 to 32 days. These two articles will give you a lot of helpful info -
Best of luck!
About 30 days. Remove the male rabbit because as soon as she has her babies she will get pregnant and wind up with another litter while she is still nursing the first.
Get rid of the male rabbit, like the song goes, 1 little 2 little 3 little rabbits, 20 little 30 little 40 little rabbits
not long at all, 2 months .in bt. 4 weeks %26 8
a rabbit's gestation period is 28-32 days. they will be pregnant for no more than 35 days. if your bunny was obviosly pregnant and it's been longer than 35 days, then she either delivered the babies then canibalized them or she sluffed them (reabsorbed them back into her body through the uterus).
About 29-35 days
tips to know for having bunnies are put a little box in for the mom to nest about 3 weeks into kindling put some hay down for her and leave her be when she has the baby's let them be with mom for 1 week before you touch em after 1 week check on the baby's make sure their eating by feeling their belly if it is flat and has flabby skin you might have to bottle feed it specialty vet stores should have something for this after 3 weeks the baby's should be hopping around the cage with mom put her water bottle down low so the little buns can have a try at drinking the water put some grass and other good veggies in the cage after 5 or so weeks take the mom out and keeper separate from the baby's after you take mom out keep watch over em to make sure they are eating well after 7 or so weeks you can sell em or give em away have fun with it and take good care of mom give her PLENTY of water and feed good luck!
The gestation period for a rabbit is generally about a month (rabbits can kindle (give birth) anywhere between day 27 and day 32). If you have any other questions regarding bunnies and pregnancies, feel free to e-mail me directly at: and I'll answer them as quickly as I can!

How long can a baby rabbit hold it's breath?

30 minutes if it's wearing a Scott air pack.
however long it's underwater.
why ur trying to drund it!
that chick above me took my answere
not very long..
They don't. This kitten (baby rabbit) trusts you as probably no one ever has. I hope you are worthy of that trust.
Dude, please tell me that you aren't monkeying around with the sweet baby bunny..Please, don't do it, for the love of God don't do it.
dont dont dont please please omg please see someone about this!
Not as long as it looks like they can.
Once a rabbit dies, its jaws begin to spasm open and closed, so it looks like it's gasping for air, or gaping for milk. I'd guess a young rabbit's breath-hold time is less than a second.

How long before I can wean baby rabbits from their mother?

I have 7 baby rabbits and they are all over my house and I am wondering how long before I can wean them from their mother and sell or give them to loving families. Also when can they start eating rabbit pellets and regular food?
You can wean them at about 7 weeks.

Birth to 3 weeks--mother's milk
3 to 4 weeks--mother's milk, nibbles of alfalfa and pellets
4 to 7 weeks--mother's milk, access to alfalfa and pellets
7 weeks to 7 months--unlimited pellets, unlimited hay (plus see 12 weeks below)
12 weeks--introduce vegetables (one at a time, quantities under 1/2 oz.)

For young adults (7 months to 1 year)

introduce timothy hay, grass hay, and oat hays, decrease alfalfa
decrease pellets to 1/2 cup per 6 lbs. body weight
increase daily vegetables gradually
fruit daily ration no more than 1 oz. to 2 oz. per 6 lbs. body weight (because of calories)
Well it is best to keep them with their mother for at least 4-5 months depending on how well they are doing. I got my 2 baby rabbits from a fair and they were about 4 months,along with another 2 that were seniors.

good luck and enjoy your babies!!

How long before i can breed my syrian hamster after the first litter?

My syrian hamster just had a litter of only 2 pups it was her first litter and shes fairly young just around 7 months i want to breed her again, but i dont know how long before i should start trying. The litter is just over 3 weeks old and are already separted because of rough playing. so if any body knows how long before i can start to breed her again let me know.
If you have not researched even this simple question then you should not be breeding.

There are many things to take into consideration, health and temperament are only two of them. You already know that her first litter has a history of rough play. When those babies reach sexual maturity that rough play could turn into aggression. Do you want to breed a female with a history of producing biters? Kinda makes it dumb, right? Making babies that you cant't play with.

Her health and breeding (her parents' genetics) are unknown, and any mate you get for her will be the same.

In the words of the great Carlos Mencia. "If you are a Dee, please don't marry a Dee.It's genetics, don't youu see? Your kids will be Dee Dee Dee!"
It will happen soon. i bought two hamsters and in about 6 months we have about 75.
You should wait atleast 3 more weeks and try not to get her pregnant after because after I have found it could be dangerous after 2 years to have babies.

How long are guinea pigs pregnant for?

How can you tell when they're about to give birth?
Some of these people obviously don't know what a guinea pig is, 2 weeks? Ha, if only. When I got my first guinea pig [they are also called cavies by some people], I didn't know that she was already pregnant. I realized that about a month after I got her she was getting fat and that fat was moving, so I researched it. [ is a great site] Females can go from 60-75 days depending on how old she is, and how big the liter is, there can be from 3-6 babies in the liter. They come out with all of their fur, teeth, and eyes open. They will drink milk from mommy, but they can also eat solid food. The only signs that I noticed that she was getting ready to give birth was she was getting very lazy, she would hardly move except to eat and drink, which she only stopped doing while she had the babies. Good luck with your new wee ones.
%26lt;----. this long
they are pregnant for 2 weeks and you cn tell when they give birth
Pregnancy lasts an average of 63 days. The larger the litter, the shorter the term of pregnancy .and vice versa. The duration of pregnancy for guinea pigs is unusually long when compared with that of other rodents.
Pregnant sows (females) exhibit a grossly enlarged abdomen during the latter stages of pregnancy. It is not uncommon for their body weight to double during pregnancy. The time of delivery may be difficult to determine because of the relatively long gestation period and because pregnant sows do not build nests. However, the week before a sow is about to deliver a litter, a slowly widening separation of the pelvis develops just in front of the external genitalia. This separation reaches slightly more than 1 inch in the hours just before delivery.
about 2 weeks.they get real mean when they are pregnant
till they give birth
The guinea pig's long gestation period.length of approx 59-72 days.
Pigs are pregnant for about 60 days. My mother got one that was pregnant before it arrived, not that she knew this. She got much wider and you could feel the babies if you felt her sides. They moved about and we realised she was pregnant one day, and she gave birth the next. Right in the middle of Coronation Street. Don;t worry about them giving birth, they get on with it themselves, just keep an eye on them. New born guineas are gorgeous.fully formed with hair and open eyes.proper guinea pigs, just tiny versions. Ahhhhhh.
No idea :::::::::
50-70 days. max of babies they can have one time is 5. but mine when i was younger had 4 or more. 2 boys and 2 girls. then her last liter she had 5. that was the longest pregnacy 70 days. but the babies where cute. the one that i have now only one baby has born (girl) and the other was stillborn, (it was all brown:( )
63 days approx.
Usually about 60-70 days

how long are arabain horses expected to live?

An Arabian horse has the same life span as any other. Depending on how it is fed, worked, exercised, and loved will have a lot to do with it. The average age is around 25 through 30, of-course with various determinants. When it appoaches middle age, consider giving it senior food. Its teeth need to be filed (floated) down occasionally also. Your vet can help you find a good diet for any age.
I own three Arabs of my own, and I train at an Arab specialty barn.

From my own knowledge, they live about as long as the average horse does. I have heard and read that Arab horses are more prone to colic, but I am not positive if this is true or not - I believe it depends more on the horse's diet, etc. than what breed the horse is.

But I don't believe there's a particularly large gap between the life expectancy of Arab horses and other breeds of equines.
My neighbor had one that was 30 years old and still doing well last I heard, however, I do not know if that is the norm.
they can live 40 years or more if you take care of them and keep them healthy
Arabian horses can be as old as 40 years. Most of them live well into their 30's.

A horse's lifespan depends greatly on the ammount of care it is given. If the animal is healthy and stress-free, it should live for a very long time. A horses's diet also plays a large role in it's lifespan (proper fiber, protein, minerals, nutrients, and weight control). Arabs especially can gain weight very easily, so it is easier for them to be overweight.

Most horses live to be about 20 to 25 years old. Miniature horses and can be 50 years and older.

Hope this helps
i think about 16 years old :
but try to read this article , its very useful :

The origin of the Arabian horse remains a great zoological mystery. Although this unique breed has had a distinctive national identity for centuries, its history nevertheless is full of subtleties, complexities and contradictions. It defies simple interpretation.

When we first encounter the Arabian, or the prototype of what is known today as the Arabian, he is somewhat smaller than his counterpart today. Otherwise he has essentially remained unchanged throughout the centuries.

Authorities are at odds about where the Arabian horse originated. The subject is hazardous, for archaeologists' spades and shifting sands of time are constantly unsettling previously established thinking. There are certain arguments for the ancestral Arabian having been a wild horse in northern Syria, southern Turkey and possibly the piedmont regions to the east as well. The area along the northern edge of the Fertile Crescent comprising part of Iraq and running along the Euphrates and west across Sinai and along the coast to Egypt, offered a mild climate and enough rain to provide an ideal environment for horses. Other historians suggest this unique breed originated in the southwestern part of Arabia, offering supporting evidence that the three great river beds in this area provided natural wild pastures and were the centers in which Arabian horses appeared as undomesticated creatures to the early inhabitants of southwestern Arabia.

Because the interior of the Arabian peninsula has been dry for approximately 10,000 years, it would have been difficult, if not impossible, for horses to exist in that arid land without the aid of man. The domestication of the camel in about 3500 B.C. provided the Bedouins (nomadic inhabitants of the middle east desert regions) with means of transport and sustenance needed to survive the perils of life in central Arabia, an area into which they ventured about 2500 B.C. At that time they took with them the prototype of the modern Arabian horse.

There can be little dispute, however, that the Arabian horse has proved to be, throughout recorded history, an original breed-which remains to this very day.

Neither sacred nor profane history tells us the country where the horse was first domesticated, or whether he was first used for work or riding. He probably was used for both purposes in very early times and in various parts of the world. We know that by 1500 B.C. the people of the east had obtained great mastery over their hot-blooded horses which were the forerunners of the breed which eventually became known as "Arabian."

About 3500 years ago the hot-blooded horse assumed the role of king-maker in the east, including the valley of the Nile and beyond, changing human history and the face of the world. Through him the Egyptians were made aware of the vast world beyond their own borders. The Pharaohs were able to extend the Egyptian empire by harnessing the horse to their chariots and relying on his power and courage. With his help, societies of such distant lands as the Indus Valley civilizations were united with Mesopotamian cultures. The empires of the Hurrians, Hittites, Kassites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians and others rose and fell under his thundering hooves. His strength made possible the initial concepts of a cooperative universal society, such as the Roman empire. The Arabian "pony express" shrank space, accelerated communications and linked empires together throughout the eastern world.

This awe-inspiring horse of the east appears on seal rings, stone pillars and various monuments with regularity after the 16th century B.C. Egyptian hieroglyphics proclaim his value; Old Testament writings are filled with references to his might and strength. Other writings talk of the creation of the Arabian, "thou shallst fly without wings and conquer without swords." King Solomon some 900 years B.C. eulogized the beauty of "a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots," while in 490 B.C. the famous Greek horseman, Xinophon proclaimed: "A noble animal which exhibits itself in all its beauty is something so lovely and wonderful that it fascinates young and old alike." But whence came the "Arabian horse?" We have seen this same horse for many centuries before the word "Arab" was ever used or implied as a race of people or species of horse.

The origin of the word "Arab" is still obscure. A popular concept links the word with nomadism, connecting it with the Hebrew "Arabha," dark land or steppe land, also with the Hebrew "Erebh," mixed and hence organized as opposed to organized and ordered life of the sedentary communities, or with the root "Abhar"-to move or pass. "Arab" is a Semitic word meaning "desert" or the inhabitant thereof, with no reference to nationality. In the Koran a'rab is used for Bedouins (nomadic desert dwellers) and the first certain instance of its Biblical use as a proper name occurs in Jer. 25:24: "Kings of Arabia," Jeremiah having lived between 626 and 586 B.C. The Arabs themselves seem to have used the word at an early date to distinguish the Bedouin from the Arabic-speaking town dwellers.

This hot blooded horse which had flourished under the Semitic people of the east now reached its zenith of fame as the horse of the "Arabas." The Bedouin horse breeders were fanatic about keeping the blood of their desert steeds absolutely pure, and through line-breeding and inbreeding, celebrated strains evolved which were particularly prized for distinguishing characteristics and qualities. The mare evolved as the Bedouin's most treasured possession. The harsh desert environment ensured that only the strongest and keenest horse survived, and it was responsible for many of the physical characteristics distinguishing the breed to this day.

An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."
Somewhere in the inhospitable deserts of the Middle East, centuries ago, a breed of horse came into being that would influence the equine world beyond all imagination. In the sweet grass oasis along the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers in the countries that are now known as Syria, Iraq, and Iran, and in other parts of the Arabia peninsula, this hearty horse developed and would soon be known as the Arabian horse.

To the Islamic people, he was considered a gift from Allah, to be revered, cherished and almost worshipped. Long before Europeans were to become aware of his existence, the horse of the desert had established himself as a necessity for survival of the Bedouin people. The head men of the tribes could relate the verbal histories of each family of horse in his tribe as well as he could each family of Bedouin. The mythology and romance of the breed grew with each passing century as stories of courage, endurance and wealth intermingled with the genealogies.

The very nature of the breed, it's shape as well as it's color, was influenced by religious belief, superstition and tradition. It was believed that the bulging forehead held the blessings of Allah. Therefore the greater the "Jibbah" the greater the blessings carried by the horse. The great arching neck with a high crest, the "Mitbah" was a sign of courage, while a gaily carried tail showed pride. These traits were held in high esteem and selectively bred for.

Due in part to the religious significance attached to the Arabian horse, as well as the contribution it made to the wealth and security of the tribe, the breed flourished in near isolation. Traditions of breeding and purity were established to keep the breed "Asil" or pure, in the form intended by Allah. Any mixture of foreign blood from the mountains or the cities surrounding the desert was strictly forbidden. While other, desert type breeds developed in North Africa and the periphery of the Great Desert, they were definitely not of the same blood as Arabians and were disdained by the proud Bedouin.

The Arabian horse was primarily an instrument of war, as were horses in general in most societies of the time. A well mounted Bedouin could attack an enemy tribe and capture their herds of sheep, camels and goats, adding to the wealth of their own tribe. Such a raid was only successful if the aggressors could attack with surprise and speed and make good their escape. Mares were the best mounts for raiding parties, as they would not nicker to the enemy tribe's horses, warning of their approach. The best war mares exhibited great courage in battle, taking the charges and the spear thrusts without giving ground. Speed and endurance were essential as well, for the raids were often carried out far from the home camp, family and children.

The Bedouin people could be as hospitable as they were war like. If a desert traveler touched their tent pole, they were obligated to provide for this "guest", his entourage and animals for up to three days without request for payment. A welcome guest would find his mare's bridle hung from the center pole of his hosts' tent to indicate his status. In this way, tribes that were often at war would meet and, with great hospitality, break bread and share stories of their bravest and fastest horses.

Races were held with the winner taking the best of the losers herd as their prize. Breeding stock could be bought and sold, but as a rule, the war mares carried no price. If indeed they changed hands it would be as a most honored gift. Through the centuries the tribes who roamed the northern desert in what is now Syria became the most esteemed breeders of fine horses. No greater gift could be given than an Arabian mare.

The value placed upon the mare led inevitably to the tracing of any family of the Arabian horse through his dam. The only requirement of the sire was that he be "Asil". If his dam was a "celebrated" mare of a great mare family, so much the better. Mare families, or strains, were named, often according to the tribe or sheik who bred them.

The Bedouin valued pure in strain horses above all others, and many tribes owned only one main strain of horse. The five basic families of the breed, known as "Al Khamsa", include Kehilan, Seglawi, Abeyan, Hamdani and Hadban. Other, less "choice" strains include Maneghi, Jilfan, Shuwayman, and Dahman. Substrains developed in each main strain, named after a celebrated mare or Sheik that formed a substantial branch within the main strain.

A great story of courage, endurance, or speed always accompanied the recitation of the genealogy of the sub-strain, such as the great Kehilet al Krush, the Kehilet Jellabiyat and the Seglawi of Ibn Jedran. Each of these mares carried with them stories of great battles and intrigue. Their daughters were sought after by the most powerful Kings but often remained unattainable. Daughters and granddaughters of these fabled mares changed hands through theft, bribery and deceit. If any of their descendants were sold, the prices were legendary.

Each strain, when bred pure, developed characteristics that could be recognized and identified. The Kehilan strain was noted for depth of chest, masculine power and size. The average pure in strain Kehilan stood up to 15 hands. Their heads were short with broad foreheads and great width in the jowls. Most common colors were gray and chestnut.

The Seglawi was known for refinement and almost feminine elegance. This strain was more likely to be fast rather than have great endurance. Seglawi horses have fine bone, longer faces and necks than the Kehilan. The average height for a Seglawi would be 14.2 hands, the most common color Bay.

The Abeyan strain is very similar to the Seglawi. They tended to be refined. The pure in strain Abeyan would often have a longer back than a typical Arabian. They were small horses, seldom above 14.2 hands, commonly gray and carried more white markings than other strains.

Hamdani horses were often considered plain, with an athletic if somewhat masculine, large boned build. Their heads were more often straight in profile, lacking an extreme Jibbah. The Hamdani strain was one of the largest, standing as much as 15.2 hands. The common colors were gray and bay.

The Hadban strain was a smaller version of the Hamdani. Sharing several traits including big bone and muscular build. They were also known for possessing an extremely gentle nature. The average height of a Hadban was 14.3 hands, the primary color brown or bay with few if any white markings.

While the Bedoiun bred their horses in great obscurity, the highly war like people of the East rode their Barbs and Turks into Europe, bringing havoc with them and leaving waste in their wake. Though few Arabian horses accompanied the Turks and Vandals on their forays into Europe, their hardy Barb and Turkish mountain horses were no less impressive to their victims.

Europe had developed horses through the Dark Ages to carry a knight and his armor. Their lighter horses were from the pony breeds. They had nothing to compare with the small, fast horses upon which the invaders were mounted. An interest in these "Eastern" horses grew, along with fantastical stories of prowess, speed, endurance and even jumping ability. To own such a horse would not only allow for the improvement of local stock, but would endow the fortunate man with incredible prestige. Such a horse in the stable would rival the value of the greatest art work hung on the wall. Europeans of means, primarily Royalty, went to great lengths to acquire these fabled horses.

As the world slowly shrank due to increasing travel abroad, the Turkish rulers of the Ottoman Empire began to send gifts of Arabian horses to European heads of state. Such was the nature of The Godolphin Arabian (sometimes called "Barb") imported to England in 1730 as well as The Byerley Turk (1683) and the Darley Arabian (1703). These three "Eastern" stallions formed the foundation upon which a new breed, the Thoroughbred, was to be built. Today 93% of all modern Thoroughbreds can be traced to these three sires. By direct infusion, and through the blood of the Thoroughbred, the Arabian has contributed, to some degree to all our light breeds of horses.

The Arabian horse also made inroads into other parts of Europe and even farther east. In France, the Arabian helped to make the famous Percheron. In Russia, the blood of the Arabian horse contributed to the development of the Orloff Trotter.

The Bedouins have generally been credited with the beginning of selective pure breeding of Arabian horses. These tribes, although their breeding records were kept by memory and passed down through the ages verbally, are also credited as the first to keep breeding records and maintaining the purity of the Arabian breed. To this date, many Arabian pedigrees can be traced to desert breeding meaning there is no written record but because of the importance of purity to the Bedouins, "desert bred" is accepted as an authentic verification of pure blood for those early imports.

Today the Arabian horse exists in far greater numbers outside of it's land of origin than it ever did in the Great Desert. In the early part of the last century; greed, ambition, desire for prestige, as well as an honest interest in saving the breed from extinction was the driving force behind governments, royal families and adventuring private citizens alike in the acquisition and propagation of this great prize of the Bedouin people--the Arabian horse.
anywhere from 25-40 years, just like any other breed. :)
another question here tonight stated that her arabian was 35 yrs
old, i think they live longer than the average horse
Arabians tend to be hardy, and I think that they live slightly longer lives than most other breeds. My best estimate, based on over 40 years involvement with Arabians is that 22 to 27 years would be a usual life expectancy for an Arabian, although of course, some will live longer and some not as long. My family bred one stallion who lived to be 34, but that is unusually long. It is extremely rare for an Arabian to live past 35.

You could contact the Arabian Horse Association, and ask for the registry section, however, they will probably tell you that they do not know, since many people do not report the death of their horses to the AHA.

Your real best bet to find out as accurately as possible would be to contact Markel Insurance in Richmond Virginia. That company insures thousands of purebred Arabians, and since they write insurance policies with pricing based on the length of life of an Arabian horse, they probably have the best data of all about the lifespans of Arabian horses. I know that there are a number of Arabian owners among the management of Markel, and their initial involvement in insuring horses was with Arabians, starting in the late 70's. Markel's number is (800) 416-4364. Their website is
To long ,give me a quarter horse any day but i m going to say about as long as any other. If you keep them in good health worm on a regular schedule keep there feet and hooves in good care are floating there teeth is a real good idea and proper nutrition exercise and love em