Sunday, August 2, 2009

How long do female fancy rats usually live?

My daughter and I love our little rat. And she is already about 2 years old.
I think 2 years is average life span.maybe a little son has 4 rats, and we just love 'em to death! I also had a female rat when I was a teenager. Don't they make awesome pets? We enjoy them SO much!
3 to 4 years are longer by a little bit
The Fancy Rat's ancestor is the Brown Rat, also known as the sewer rat (Rattus norvegicus) which can be seen in the wild. Bred in captivity in sterile conditions in laboratories has resulted in a disease free and friendly pet that today is referred to as the Fancy Rat.

Males are larger and plumper than females, with full-grown males males being approximately 20-25cm from nose to the base of the tail and females being 16-18cm in length. The head is pointed and the tail is hairless.

The rat is a sociable pet appreciating the company of others. Rats are nocturnal becoming more active in the evenings and during the night. Rats are intelligent and affectionate making them extremely good pets.

The average lifespan of a rat is 2-2陆 years although they can live longer and up to 3-4 years has been known.

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