Sunday, August 2, 2009

How long can African Dwarf Frogs survive out of water?

I need to know how long these things can survive out of water as my dorm will only allow me pets that, like fish, die pretty fast once they escape.
They cannot survive out of water. Their skin will dry out and they'll die. You could keep then out of the water, and at 100% humidity, they might survive for a while. They can indeed be kept out of the water for a while without negative results, but it's not advisable. A while could be anywhere from a few hours to possibly a couple days. I really wouldn't try a couple days. Of course, I wouldn't try taking them out at all. And they DO rise to the surface to breathe. They don't have to leave the water. Just stick their noses out. It's not very often, because they're cold blooded, not active enough to use oxygen, and because amphibians absorb oxygen through their skin. In addition to drying out outside of the water, their bodies cant support their weight. I know the weight seems negligible, but it's not to them. They suffocate because their organs move around wrong.
African water frogs are very hardy (with the right conditions) but they do need water to live. I had one get out and found it a couple days later dried up on the stairs. If your worried about them escaping, put a cover over the cage and don't fill the bowl up too far. Only about 3/4s of the way.

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