Friday, May 8, 2009

How do u know when a bunny has diarrhea?

How do u know when a bunny has diarrhea?
It will be dirty under it's tail.
I hope that you are NOT feeding your bunny cabbage because this can kill it. Grass and lettuce only has about 1 % or less protein in them, so think diet food. Rabbits need about 16-18% protein to grow and be healthy.
If your rabbit has a dirty bottom, take all greens away from it. Feed it rabbit pellets and you can also give it some good quality second cutting hay. Open up a raspberry tea bag, and add this to it's water. Your bunny could also have coccidious, which is contagious to other rabbits. You will need a medicine for this parasite.
when its poop is watery and no longer forms a ball or pellet shape
If your bunny has diarrhea, it can get a big clump of poop stuck to the underside of its tail. You will also see poop smears on your carpet, if you let your bun run around the house.

My grandson shared some peanut butter crackers with my bunny once. It was sooo much fun. No more peanut butter crackers.
True diarrhea in a bunny is very dangerous and usually only occurs in baby rabbits. If an adult has soft poops you'll be able to tell by looking at them. If your rabbit is producing too many cecals and not eating them, they will be soft grape-like clusters. That is serious too.
Here is a good article that might help and if your bunny is having trouble, get him to a rabbit savvy vet as soon as possible:

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